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  1. Z

    biology vs physics vs chemistry

    chemistry. it's more interesting than physics. i don't do bio
  2. Z

    what is so bad about UWS?

    If it wasn't for it, there'd be so many people going to Tafe.
  3. Z

    Aiming to hight nigas?

    well you're on 3 band 6's for pdhpe legal and business which don't scale spectularly, but if you perform well in your externals scaling won't be an issue. Your ranks in general maths and english are fairly good 10%~ for a school ranked 200 means 80+. 92 is achievable.
  4. Z

    Series and a trig Q from 2008 Paper

    1) Limiting sum formula a/(r-1) where r is between -1 and 1 The ratio of the series is 2x, thus r = 2x but r has to be between -1 and 1 thus -1 < 2 x < 1 -1/2 < x < 1/2. 2. I assume Solve 2sin2x/3 = 1 for -pi =< x =< pi. is meant to read 2(sin[x/3])^2 = 1 In which case the domain is...
  5. Z

    Who else thinks girls are alright

    It's a thread dissing another thread.
  6. Z

    HUGE debate needs settling

    Board of Studies don't release Raw Marks, although you can ask for it..
  7. Z

    getting into uni

    Do Law through post-graduate entry.
  8. Z

    Accurate UAI calculator factoring rank?

    That's nearly impossible, seeing as different schools will inevitably produce different sets of marks. Ask your principal or career's adviser. - or you could post up your school rank and subject ranks and get a fairly good estimate here
  9. Z

    Equal Ranks

    They give in whole numbers.
  10. Z

    how does scaling actually work? I don't get it!!

    I'm pretty sure the University Admissions Centre does not deal with HSC examinations. I think you're referred to the Board of Studies there. I'm also sure Lazarus is one of the most informed members of these boards, if he/she bothers to reply in this thread, then it'll be all cleared. I pose no...
  11. Z

    how does scaling actually work? I don't get it!!

    Sorry, I'm open to correct but I thought that when your raw mark is 'changed' to an external mark, the process is called moderation? Maybe I have the terms confused and use them synonymously.
  12. Z

    how does scaling actually work? I don't get it!!

    Just a quick response on it to save you searching: Upon receiving your HSC mark (ie the average between your external and internal marks), that mark undergoes scaling. Scaling the mark means that it's changed, the changed mark is then used to calculate your ATAR. Harder subjects...
  13. Z

    Atar Bingo!

    Although school's ranked quite high, I would guesstimate 85-90 if you don't improve.
  14. Z

    HSC Chemistry Mark estimate / help!

    Extremely hard to tell, depends on your cohort's performance in the external examination. What matters is your rank and not mark. Perhaps 60-70% RAW for a moderated mark of 75-80 I would assume
  15. Z

    how hard is it to get into UWS?

    They provide a lot of additional ATAR allowances, such as Greater Western etc. You can get up to 15 points...
  16. Z

    implementing monetary policy

    Should throw 'targetting inflation/sustaining inflationary pressures' in there
  17. Z

    How the HSC results are calculated

    hahaha us 09ers needed a laugh:kiss:
  18. Z

    MX1 raw for band 6.

  19. Z

    Question classifications of elements

    soz, yr 11 was ages ago