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  1. S

    HSC scalings

    Thank you :)
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    HSC scalings

    How do they work.
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    Should i use notes that are provided on Bored of studies or do them myself

    Dot point books are also really good too they give you questions based on syllabuses which are helpful for exam preparation. The questions could also be used as notes :)
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    This is a good link to create citations on. I had used this for Modern History (source analysis assignment) in year 11.
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    2020-HSC chat

    This link might help :)
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    2020-HSC chat

    Starting from tomorrow we are officially in year 12😥
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    HSC ADVANCED MATHS Random Variables

    This link has notes on random variables just press ctrl f and search random variable in the PDF. I hope this helps:)
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    2020 IPT

    Thank you :)
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    2020 IPT

    Or another one could be
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    2020 IPT

    my context diagram was going to have external entity = librarian dataflow = book isbn number process = dataflow= book external entity = borrower
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    2020 IPT

    Would scanning be considered a process in a context diagram. I mean scanning in terms of scanning a book.
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    2020 IPT

    Hey guys so I am doing a feasibility report for IPT and I am supposed to address all of the technical, operational, economic and feasibility constraints and it says at least 4 or more per point). What does this mean? and What are some examples of constraints?
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    What if HSC notes were on spotify podcasts?
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    What if HSC notes were on spotify podcasts?

    True dat. I think studying on paper is much better because in an exam you can't listen to anything you will have to write.
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    What if HSC notes were on spotify podcasts?

    This will be good since most people listen to music. There was only one podcast on spotify and it was for business studies.
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    Library Schema

    Since this is the only IPT thread that is currently active can someone tell me whether this is a good schema for a library system. If not how can this schema be improved.
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    2020-HSC chat

    Well thanks for the advice but the IPT forums are dead literally. 😂 Yes I just realised context diagrams have only one circle
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    2020-HSC chat

    Does anyone know any good websites where you can create both data flow diagrams and database schemas. I have found lucid chart but its not really the best.
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    2020-HSC chat

    Thank you:)