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  1. Enteebee

    Luxury Car Tax rejected!

    There's no need to worry ourselves about such a solution because what should really be done is a tax on emissions. It makes sense to try and get people to buy lower emitting cars, not to encourage people to try and buy cheaper cars.
  2. Enteebee

    SRC Elections 2008

    Well I'd say it either wasn't advertised well enough, it takes too long to actually get your reward or people are THAT fed up with student politics that they're willing to fore go the reward. I strongly doubt there aren't large numbers of students interested in a free feed.
  3. Enteebee

    SRC Elections 2008

    The idea (I imagine) is that your vote should be based on a decision about policy and not food, but efforts through food etc to get you to the point of making such a decision should be encouraged. It seems like a good idea to me, who wouldn't take a bit of time to vote if u get a sausage...
  4. Enteebee

    Luxury Car Tax rejected!

    I also agree with taxation on the same grounds. I think the country is overall more prosperous and free if we tax the rich and give to the poor. However, this particular tax is an easy tax grab to increase government revenue (while demonising one particular spending habit) that comes off as...
  5. Enteebee

    What's the hardest thing you've ever come across in your job?

    Listen to a family get told they have to sue their own daughter who acted as their 'middleman' in a nigerian scam in order to get the pension now that they have no assets but are apparently owed all their retirement funds.
  6. Enteebee

    Luxury Car Tax rejected!

    The price goes depreciates quick too anyway... I also picked myself up a VZ Acclaim for little dosh.
  7. Enteebee

    Luxury Car Tax rejected!

    Enjoy your senate. Tehehehehhehehe
  8. Enteebee

    Morris Iemma resigns

    If I remember correctly I could drag up some posts of yours defending Iemma's labor... either it wasn't that fucked up or you're a bit of a partisan hack.
  9. Enteebee

    Luxury Car Tax rejected!

    Who needs any luxury? Unless you're going to tie it into emissions I don't see why you would double-tax someone for their car... You've already taxed them for earning so much more money, you're now arbitrarily punishing them just for their choice of luxury good that they're going to spend their...
  10. Enteebee

    Have you ever had a real fist fight?

  11. Enteebee

    SRC Elections 2008

    I agree, that's why I think a good strategy would be to make everyone feel like they're in it. I.E. I think the university should give out PRIZES to the supporters of the political parties that win seats, such as lolly gift bags.
  12. Enteebee

    Morris Iemma resigns

    Okay what else do we have? Silly internet filter that will slow down our internet and make us opt-out to be able to view porn, all in the name of 'protecting kids'. A moronic alcopops tax. A 'Luxury Cars' tax which could have been used to get us to buy more fuel efficient cars but instead is...
  13. Enteebee

    Does God exist?

    Yes I see the difference. A 'agnostic fairy atheist' could assert non-existence while at the same time claiming that ultimately they cannot judge either way. I think it's possible to hold that both "fairies seem to not exist" and that "ultimately fairies may exist, they're after all outside of...
  14. Enteebee

    Does God exist?

    At the moment it seems like people are sitting back in the fairy agnostic position, picking apart fairy believers arguments to make them look like fools. The fairy agnostic arguments and the fairy atheist arguments are pretty much the same. The fairy atheist is just willing to go that little bit...
  15. Enteebee

    Morris Iemma resigns

    They've been in government for a year now. What other than workchoices and symbolic gestures do you think they've done that's good?
  16. Enteebee

    Does God exist?

    Obviously their God can always escape just as I can always say "nah fairies actually do exist in my garden they just magic away when u try to find them" but those sort of explanations imo do not truly satisfy most thinking people. They always have an out, but when the debate gets to a point...
  17. Enteebee

    Does God exist?

    Semantical is fine. My reason is that there's no evidentiary difference between fairies and God. Both have 0 proof.
  18. Enteebee

    Luxury Car Tax rejected!

    The latter seems like a smart tax, the former seems arbitrary.
  19. Enteebee

    "a higher uai suggests greater chance of succeeding at uni."

    Sure at the margins I'd say on average your 99 will beat your 60 uai... we can be certain of that. But is the HSC discriminative enough to pick up the difference in ability between someone who gets 88uai and 95uai? I don't know, I'd need to see studies... It'd be hard though because people with...