Search results

  1. ari89

    What Race/Ethnic group do YOU refuse to date and why?

    Thats more of a turn on. Cult survivors represent
  2. ari89

    What Race/Ethnic group do YOU refuse to date and why?

    By ethnicity Would not date Abenakis Abgaals Aboriginals Accohannocks Achangs Acholis Achomawis Acomas Adyghes Adyhaffes Afars African Americans Afro-Trinidadians Alak Albanians Amugme Asians and Africans in general to shorten the list Arabs Arawaks Armenians Assyrians Aymaras Azerias Ba Na...
  3. ari89

    Can't Access Benefits

    Imagine if in as little time as 4 hours I got 53 Premium members on board to help this cause! Edit: 60 Edit Edit: 72 Edit edit edit: 84
  4. ari89

    Is it possible to get pregnant while ....

    That is why you should only have sex after marriage and you love your partner very much. Why is this? Because contraceptives are one of the devils tools to get mankind to exploit their premarital sexual urges. </thread>
  5. ari89

    HECs Booklet

    You do not have to fill out any paper forms as it can all be done on the Commonwealth Assistance Form online during your enrollment:)
  6. ari89

    Can't Access Benefits

    lol (/me looks at house deed) A $20 website fraud against a couple of hundred of highschool students ranks pretty high with more than just the DFT:) I'd prefer they actually provide the benefits that they promised so everyone gains what they deserve
  7. ari89

    Can't Access Benefits

    I said scroll through the list. Notice how on the first 10pages there were about 80 Premium members? Fuck you are stupid. Actually, about 30 members have emailed me/private messaged me so I wouldn't call it a 'one man stand' and they are all organising to submit the formal complaints to the...
  8. ari89

    The biggest loser

    did anyone notice that the contestants were fat?
  9. ari89

    HECs Booklet

    I don't remember getting a booklet on HECS. I thought there was just information that you had to read on the page for the ecaf form (i think thats wat it's called) for when you give your TFN during enrolment.
  10. ari89

    Can't Access Benefits Scroll through that, fucktard. You really do fail now:) Now, please stop posting in this thread unless you some how get a clue or think of something meaningful to contribute. If that is every achieved feel free...
  11. ari89

    Can't Access Benefits

    No, I am attempting to get the benefits for the hundreds of school children who purchased them. You fail.
  12. ari89

    Can't Access Benefits

    My point proven. If only you had some clue as to what was going on:)
  13. ari89

    Can't Access Benefits

    tbh you're a pretty shit poster
  14. ari89

    If its raining do schools still allow photos to take place

    At my school it used to get postponed but it depends on so many things and every school/photography company/day is different
  15. ari89


    If the unit is for Spring session (semester 2) you do not have to be enrolled by now giving you time to get the certificate by then. If the unit is for first semester (Autumn), email your course coordinator.
  16. ari89

    When will i get my time table

    Using the times available for your lectures, practicals, seminars, tutorials as can be found on platform web (tutorial registration) you can plan the timetable you want. However, they will not be finalised until tutorial registration. You need to register your tutorial/practicals/seminar times...
  17. ari89

    When I got my first television set, I stopped caring about having close relationships

    Re: When I got my first television set, I stopped caring about having close relations lol
  18. ari89

    Transfering from Bus/Law @ UWS to Bus/Law @ NSW

    If you're interested in transferring to Macquarie law I have this table on successful transferees: (btw UNSW has Commerce/Law as opposed to Business/Law:p)
  19. ari89

    No Science 4 UAI

    needs bigger font
  20. ari89


    I sent you a private message. I haven't seen Finding Neverland but it is commonly discussed around here. E.g.