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  1. B

    Practice for Q7-8

    Try these: \textbf{1.}\text{ Let } m\text{ be a positive integer. Prove that }\sum\limits_{k=m}^{m^2-m+1}{{{m^2-2m+1}\choose{k-m}}\over{k{m^2\choose k}}}={1\over{m{2m-1\choose m}}}. \textbf{2.}\text{ For a triangle } ABC,\text{ let } f_A\text{ denote the distance from } A\text{ to the...
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    Syllabus development

    AAMT's K-10 submission: IISME's submission for K-10: Their 11-12 one should be available soon.
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    Syllabus development

    The draft curricula will be redrafted later this year based on the current consultation round and a second consultation will take place over Feb-Apr next year with a final version mid next year. Source: "My Impressions" by Leon Poladian: <a...
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    General McChrystal's sacking

    He said what he said because nobody else had the guts to do so.
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    General McChrystal's sacking

    I actually think it's not about McChrystal. It's not about shutting him up or punishment for speaking up. It's about making everybody else scared to speak up.
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    General McChrystal's sacking

    In McChrystal's case, a court-martial did not direct punishment. Obama did.
  7. B

    General McChrystal's sacking

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers...
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    General McChrystal's sacking

    Obama sacked General McChrystal for comments published in the Rolling Stone magazine article "The Runaway General": Here is the youtube video about the sacking:
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    MX2 Past Papers & Answers

    Re: Ext 2 Past Papers + Answers In keeping with said simplicity, presumably when you sit your HSC exams, you will either: be cheating with a complete set of solutions which you will just copy, or not attempt any question.
  10. B

    Syllabus development

    Ah yes. You are right. Ta. I think there are other errors as well, such as the dot point near the top of page 2 which describes graph theory: • Graph theory - the algebraic equation of a curve and parametric equations to describe a curve What they are describing is not graph theory.
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    Syllabus development

    Yes. That's right.
  12. B

    Syllabus development

    It should read E=V-1. There is a proof on page 47 of Balakrishnan's Graph Theory. The book is available for free download on the internet. I have extracted pages 46 and 47 for you and have attached it. The proof is problem 2.52, but read 2.50 and 2.51 first.
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    Syllabus development

    The draft K-10 was released on March 1 and the draft 11-12 was released on May 14 both of which are at Consultation for the K-10 closed on May 30 and consultation on the 11-12 will close on July 30. The final documents are expected to be...
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    Syllabus development

    IISME forum: June 28, 1-2pm, Room 250 in the Carslaw bldg, Sydney University Registration (by 1pm June 27):
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    imo 2010

    The 51st IMO was in Astana, Kazakhstan, July 7-8, 2010. Official website: Australian team: Aaron Chong, Doncaster Secondary College Timothy Large, Sydney Grammar School Stacey Law, James Ruse Agricultural High School Kiho Park, Mount Waverley Secondary College...
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    MX2 Past Papers & Answers

    Re: Ext 2 Past Papers + Answers The HSC exam committee is releasing their solutions on the internet for the first time this year onto the Board of Studies website. Previously very few people have had access to these documents which were never published before. I think most people will...
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    Useful Links

    The HSC exam committee is releasing their solutions on the internet for the first time this year onto the Board of Studies website. Previously very few people have had access to these documents which were never published before. I think most people will welcome the policy change at the Board...
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    Important Links

    The HSC exam committee is releasing their solutions on the internet for the first time this year onto the Board of Studies website. Previously very few people have had access to these documents which were never published before. I think most people will welcome the policy change at the Board...
  19. B

    Syllabus development

    I completed ACARA's survey yesterday and repeated in it everything I said at the K-10 forum at Burwood Girls' High School on May 1. Note that the next forum is for the 11-12 national curriculum and is on Saturday, June 5, 2pm to 5pm Professional Teachers' Council of NSW Conference Centre...
  20. B

    Syllabus development

    Here is my submission for K-10: