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  1. N

    Hot teachers getting weirded out by you two.... and the person...teacher... you find hot that interrupts our class.....oh man.. i wonder if its who i think it is.. is she blonde?
  2. N

    My April Fools' Day

    ahahaha, i like it.
  3. N

    haha we did too, anyway, gunna hit the bed now, laters man.

    haha we did too, anyway, gunna hit the bed now, laters man.
  4. N

    right... lol.

    right... lol.
  5. N

    been there done that, didnt post tho. i think we're scaring ilikebeef, shes obvs finds us...

    been there done that, didnt post tho. i think we're scaring ilikebeef, shes obvs finds us weird. time to go.
  6. N

    you've got a fucking bear and fox.. lol close enough..both..beasts... or something maybe...

    you've got a fucking bear and fox.. lol close enough..both..beasts... or something maybe. whatevs lol
  7. N

    lol ur pic really is somewhat disturbing.. its like a cross of interracial/ homosexuality/...

    lol ur pic really is somewhat disturbing.. its like a cross of interracial/ homosexuality/ bestiality
  8. N

    LOL. ahahahahah best thing i have heard all night...from bos. lulululul

    LOL. ahahahahah best thing i have heard all night...from bos. lulululul
  9. N

    lol...fuck.... well i havent talked to him yet... ahahha i'll do it now?

    lol...fuck.... well i havent talked to him yet... ahahha i'll do it now?
  10. N

    chinese, i hope your name is keith.. i just got a stalker on msn...

    chinese, i hope your name is keith.. i just got a stalker on msn...
  11. N

    ooo i can tell you what thongetsu's is ! appears to be a bear lactating into a fox... right?

    ooo i can tell you what thongetsu's is ! appears to be a bear lactating into a fox... right?
  12. N

    madd, what typee of asiannn?

    madd, what typee of asiannn?
  13. N

    lol.... haha sure..? nah your cool, i like jess, i suck at it tho. if you're asiannn, then...

    lol.... haha sure..? nah your cool, i like jess, i suck at it tho. if you're asiannn, then theres this chinese chess thing right, and i rooool at that!
  14. N

    lol i just told you....hurrr durrrr... haha i kid newy=newcastle. whats your name? or do...

    lol i just told you....hurrr durrrr... haha i kid newy=newcastle. whats your name? or do people on here like to be sheltered from stalkers? :S
  15. N

    3 way convos are crazy... errm... yeah..stalking right.. im lost.. if anything thongetsu's...

    3 way convos are crazy... errm... yeah..stalking right.. im lost.. if anything thongetsu's display hits the perverted mark.
  16. N

    hahaha, wow thats pretty funny, no offense, its ok i dont play sport no more either, being...

    hahaha, wow thats pretty funny, no offense, its ok i dont play sport no more either, being massss nerd this year, but i miss it a bit. the sports high in newy is literally foooooteh! 100% wheres ur school at? syd?
  17. N

    then i refuse and decline your date you asked me on...

    then i refuse and decline your date you asked me on...
  18. N

    merewether high, sports high ay, what sport?

    merewether high, sports high ay, what sport?
  19. N

    lol the amount of girls getting hit on in this must be ridiculous, im just using her as an...

    lol the amount of girls getting hit on in this must be ridiculous, im just using her as an advantage to my nerdyness, but shhh dont tell her/ him... you never know these days. what school do you goto?
  20. N

    join me in stalking imo. haha sup dude.

    join me in stalking imo. haha sup dude.