Search results

  1. yy-d

    Work Experience

    I went to work exp. at Alliance Francaise. It's like a french community thing place. :D There's classes and a library. There's a cafe too where I originally wanted to work at, but didn't let me because there were safety stuff involved. :confused: I ended up working at the library. The work...
  2. yy-d

    School Certificate Results

    HI-5 syd. (: holiday
  3. yy-d

    Psychology prerequisites / UAI

    Re: Psychology..which uni has the best course? ok so if there's no prerequisites...then, are there any subjects we should do so that it may help us in uni if we want to do psychology? for 11 and 12 that is.
  4. yy-d

    School Certificate

    I'm sure they are. All those rules: clear pencil case; water only, no lables on bottles x[ ...the lot