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  1. ebbygoo

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    HSC Hacks: Cramming doesn't work (the night before). Trust me on this one, I tried. Left english to the night before, ended up getting 78 externally after pushing b6 internally. Blew my ~97-8 ATAR. Learn from my mistake. Best thing to do is get the energy drinks pumping a solid week before and...
  2. ebbygoo

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    gl in trials 2015'ers
  3. ebbygoo

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015.
  4. ebbygoo

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. Cheers for the lecture. Who needs MATH1041. You may have noticed SD and I weren't exactly being serious in our conversation but maybe you didn't either considering its the internet and the internet doesn't do tone. Either way thanks for your input.
  5. ebbygoo

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. Wait guys... I had SA and HECS help sem 1 right. Do I need to do anything now or will it all automatically renew/rollover.
  6. ebbygoo

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. Or because I wanted to go to UNSW and have one course with a bad time? TBH first pref was usyd and missed by <1. Which would be the closest uni to me on travel. MACQ and UNSW are essentially the same travel time, and UNSW is much more adept for what I'm doing...
  7. ebbygoo

    LoL thread

    ill join the team if u want my main team gold 5 atm
  8. ebbygoo

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. Keep in mind what you're saying here. 2.5hrs there and 2.5hrs back for a 2hr lecture.
  9. ebbygoo

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. Why must you plant the seed of doubt?
  10. ebbygoo

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. Guys guys guys is attendance at math1041 recorded???? Can't find anything in the outline and it's the only lecture I have tmw lol
  11. ebbygoo

    LoL thread

    when u go 20-5 and still lose man i love this game so much
  12. ebbygoo

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. Too bad I prob won't be at the lectures looooooool 6-8pm means I'd get home at like 11pm
  13. ebbygoo

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. SOoooooooo econ1101 lectures are recorded right.... No tutes/labs means tuesday = 1-2pm bios lecture and then 6-8pm econ lecture.... pls tell me they are recored It still ain't on moodle -_-
  14. ebbygoo

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. ugh wtf none of mine are there, all still last sem? anyone any ideas why?
  15. ebbygoo

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. When will my moodle update to this sem's courses?????????????????????
  16. ebbygoo

    LoL thread

  17. ebbygoo

    UNSW 2015 Sem 1 Results Thread

    Hey guys does anyone know... On the grade definitions page for UNSW it says CR 65-74 and DN 75-84. Does that mean by WAM of 74.75 gets rounded up to DN?
  18. ebbygoo

    UNSW 2015 Sem 1 Results Thread

    74.75 -_- Really -_- 0.25 off -__- Really -_- Suppose thats what happens when you study the day before the exam #youliveyoulearn
  19. ebbygoo

    Birthday Gift For My Bae