Search results

  1. B

    Post your results and wam thread (s2/14)

    Cheers, Molecular biology and mechanical engineering.
  2. B

    Post your results and wam thread (s2/14)

    Holy fuck 43 people CHEM 1011 93 MATS1101 83 MMAN1300 86 MATH1231 89
  3. B

    Why are there not many ruse people on BOS?

    Ruse is just a single school out of hundreds. Just because someone goes to ruse doesn't mean they'll be substantially more likely to post on an internet hsc forum any more than any other selective school.
  4. B

    Nice avatar, Buckethead is fking awesome!

    Nice avatar, Buckethead is fking awesome!
  5. B unbelievable..

    Yes, got Guild Wars 2 Heroic Edition from that website, works well.
  6. B

    Post your results and wam thread (s2/14)

    Anyone know if mman, mats or chem release provisional results? Edit: Chem1011 93, mats1101 83, mman1300 86, MATH1231 89
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    UNSW Sem 2 Finals Thread

    Celebrating my 100th post with 89 for 1231 bros
  8. B

    UNSW Sem 2 Finals Thread

    How do you know the dates?
  9. B

    Difference between high school maths and university engineering maths

    Yes. In my opinion, the final 1131/1231 exams had a difficulty somewhere between 3U and 4U HSC exams. (About a 3.5/10, where 0 is 3U difficulty and 10 is 4U difficulty). The 'type' of difficulty is a bit different though. In your HSC you had an entire year to study, so the difficulty of math...
  10. B

    JMP photo identification - Passport issued within last TWO YEARS?!

    Can't say man, pretty much everyone just showed their driver's license when I went. I'm guessing you don't have a license - Worst case scenario: bring all possible forms of ID (passport, birth cert, school card, UMAT2014 ticket, interview invitation) and just throw them in their face.
  11. B

    Medical Science or....

    Not sure about that. You seem to be interested in research, why wouldnt you shoot for an honours?
  12. B

    How hard is getting 99.95? Would i have a chance? PLEASE HELP!

    Yup. Everyone is going around saying "Scaling doesn't matter! Do subjects you like!" - but the truth of the matter is that someone who enjoys math ext 2 and chemistry will have a pretty big advantage over someone who enjoys history, legal, humanities etc and that's just how the HSC works.
  13. B

    UNSW Sem 2 Finals Thread

    In MATS? hahah, that was hilarious. (Wasn't an insta fail though)
  14. B

    UNSW Sem 2 Finals Thread

    Ugh fuck that wasn't good.. You think there'll be any scaling?
  15. B

    Medical Science or....

    Honestly, you could accomplish the same thing with a BSc (Adv). Take a look at this, the majority of the guys are BSc students majoring in fields like molecular biology/biochemistry even though the project is solidly within the confines of medical science/medicine.. The only disadvantage I see...
  16. B

    UNSW Subject Reviews.

    ENGG1000 - depends on project you choose. I did civil bridge which is very easy do well; but extremely difficult to HD. (It takes no effort to get 80, getting an 86 is another story). Overall you don't really learn much and it's quite lacklustre. It's only 'fun' because you're with a group the...
  17. B

    physics textbooks

  18. B

    Biology or 4 Unit?

    A 93 in 4 unit is approximately equivalent to a state rank in biology. A borderline band 6 in biology is equal to a 75 (E2) in 4U.
  19. B

    UNSW Sem 2 Finals Thread

    Using geometric distribution, and letting 6 throws in a row a single "event" with probably (1/6)^6 (or 6^-6, cos thats easier to type, sorry no latex) Geometric=(1-p)^k-1 * p, where p=6^-6, and k is the number of trials required. a) P=[1-6^(-6)]^12 * 6^(-6) b) 1 - [1-6^(-6)]^8 * 6^(-6) Not...