Hey guys, i have a friend who really wants to do Maths at UNSW next year, however he doesnt believe he will get the required ATAR of 95+
So me and him were comparing the course structure of
B Science majoring in Maths with B Science(Advanced Maths-Pure Maths) and found that there was little...
Maths 3u and 4u, and chem im definitly gonna get a band 6.
but i REALLY REALLY REALLY want a band 6 in english adv so badly!!!!!! just to prove some of my friends wrong haha ^^
same =]
i was also wondering how many pages did ppl use to write their essay? I did like 5 and abit and one of my friends did 11....but also did 2 poems
Yeer i didnt think the exam this year was too hard but i didnt think it was easy either...so it was semi-hard, semi-easy ^_^
I wrote like 5 pages for S1
4 for S2
and like 5 and abit for S3
from reading everyone's post im getting a feeling i didnt write enough for the S2 or S3 ...freaking out...
Re: Did you choose the High School you now attend or did your Parents force it on you
well i got a choice between a private skool and a public skool (my mum chose).
I picked the private one and my mum told me, "we cant afford it." :cry:
but does it actually help with ur persuading/manipulative skills? like i could persuade my clients to join up with me etc etc. and almost no work! yes more fun time haha!
I heard those that graduate from com/LLB and work in the business area earn heaps, esp in the top-tier firms, like starting salary is like 60-70k per year.