hey guys, my friend asked me yesterday that because he failed a subject last year in sem 1 and is doing it again now and iuno, gets a D - do both results get taken into account for calculating his WAM? or is it only the better result that is used and the fail from before is left like a stain...
A couple of my friends are failing a unit called 'MATH1001' and they asked me what the consequences are if they failed the unit for this semester. Tbh, I don't really know and so yea, anyone here willing to enlighten?
Well, the other thread is closed so yeh, gotta revive that fantastical-mathstastical outing idea :music::music:
Ideas for:
- place
- time
- people cap
- alci content
pm me for my msn if you're genuinely interested and ye, it's not gonna be about maths you noobs [ soz...
Yo people. The %'s are from trials ahah
3U - 28/82 [94%]
4U - 20/32 [60%]
Eng - iuno yet prolly around 80/140? [B- average prolly?]
Chem - 40/78
Bio - 29/60 [80%]
Ag - it won't count for HSC, trust me. ahah
school rank last yr was 24 but i reckon the cohort now is really impressive lol.
Yeah, I get random realizations that the HSC is actually happening to me. Frickin scary man. Most of the time I don't really notice that this is my final year at school and that the HSC is so damn close T_____________T
I think I should study harder - perhaps it could lower my stress levels...
Yeh.. well I'm doing module B atm and I need techniques that would establish a sense of equality and/or unity.
Oh and btw, I'm doing Aung San Suu Kyi's "Keynote Address at the Beijing World Conference on Women" and Anwar Sadat's "Statement to the Knesset".
Uh yeah. Techniques needed to convey...
Yeah halfyearlies did crap blah blah.
Well, my ranks thus far are:
MX2: 18/32
MX1: 50/90
Bio: 30/60
Chem: 50/80
AdvEng: low 100s out of 140
Ag: meh it wont count so d/w.
So the Q. is: If I achieve excellent results from now on until the HSC itself, realistically, what could my rankings...
I'm looking for a private english tutor around the south-west area. I'm willing to travel depending on the distance :]
My last english tutor charged 40$/hr and I thought that it was pretty dear >.> so you guys know what a reasonable price is?
TY in advanced. lol@pun