thinking bout buying it. only $369 for the 16 gig model.
but just wanted to know would the internet on it be as fast as the internet on my macbook pro?
like for streaming videos etc.
"We will make the marking more generous for the subject. To accommodate this, your final score will be the maximum of (a) final = 75% of the course; tutorial = 25% of the course, or (b) final = 50% of the course; tutorial = 50% of the course."
this was posted by the fins1613 lecturer on...
if i had continued with actl i would have done actl 2001/2002, fins1612 and acct1511.
but im changing to finance/accounting so im doing fins1612, acct1511, econ1203(compulsory core) and the last one from what im reading has to be a gen ed.
whats a good gen ed subject to do?
didnt really like Romney before this. but he handled himself really well (granted its easier for the opposition in these debates)
CNN did a poll and 67% thought Romney won, 25% Obama (rest undecided)
anyone else change their opinion of Romney after this debate?
Financial Accounting: An integrated approach 4th edition + study guide - $40
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Managing organisations and people 2nd edition - $30
pm me if interested or leave message below
just wanted to know what topics which we learn in 1151 we will need in 1251 and other actuarial courses. im guessing we will need probability. but is anything else important. tnks.
I have never done this in my life because i always thought it would be weird and my sister said it would be weird as well.
but I really love movies and although i managed to watch a lot of good movies with friends this year like avengers, hunger games, 21 jump street and a few others. I always...
could someone just tell me whether what i have done is ok.
so i need to do acct1511, fins1613 and econ1102 as part of my actuarial exemptions.
i originally had:
as my subjects for next sem, but i dont enjoy acct as much as eco so i swapped econ1102 with...
from what i understand of WAM. its just the average of all your marks in the subjects done for your degree.
but i dont understand if it is important from an employer's viewpoint. wouldnt a person who did harder subjects at uni have a lower WAM, so how can it be used to distinguish between...
So im currently doing a B Comm/B Economics at UNSW. but so far in my degree im feeling slightly unsure whether it is the right degree for me. i really enjoy math1151 but in my other subjects (econ, acct, mgmt) i feel slightly unmotivated to do the work.
so i was talking to a friend of mine who...
have you guys heard about this case in the america. i cant believe the guy looks like he is going to get off.
could someone who knows UNSW really well name some other places where i can study instead of the library. just curious because i have noticed the last few days that the library gets extremely busy during the middle of the day and i struggle to find a place to study there.