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  1. M

    Wud u wait?

    k, i was in this position for a bit about 6 months ago, i got fucked over real good by the chick. id say leave her alone, yes it hurts to do, but if u do it then she can then make a decision that may not get u or her hurt. but by the same token if u really like this girl then u should not be to...
  2. M

    Your 'thing'. (not about penises)

    the thing that attract me more then anything is a good personality, and that they are easy to get along with.(yes there may be fights, but they dont really mean anything in the relationship, they are spats that every1 has at some point in their lives.) flirting and a friendship before a...
  3. M im totally lost

    yeah i got that the other week. mi GF n i said that we would be friendsd, however since then everything has gone to shit.nothing ever stays the same after a relationship. saying that and haveing it happen is something totally different. every1 wants to believe that friendship is strong enough to...
  4. M

    Torn between 2! Need advice or help!

    id b looking long and hard at which 1 i wanted to b with. i was kinda in this situation a while ago, and i chose to date 1, and had to break up cause it didnt feel right after like 2 weeks. we have since parted ways (the one that i loved) and i dun talk very often. i got back with the 1 that i...
  5. M

    GF probs

    heyyy honestly i think the HSC is no excuse becos if ur responsible u can always juggle a stable relationship and ur studies.. i think u should call her and tell her how ur feeling , what ur going through and be completely honest about the ring... u seem like a really sweet guy... whateva u do...
  6. M

    How long was your shortest/longest relationship?

    mi longest was a day off 12 months, and mi shortest would have to b like 2 weeks..but i am not even gunna think of other parts in mi history here, some r better off forgotten and burried forever!!!!!!!
  7. M

    GF probs

    yeah ok thanx guys n gals for the tips.....we have spoken, and i think that it might b ok now. we have broken up, and i havent told her about the ring, n i dun think that i am gunna give it to her, but we are mates, and we might see hoe thing turn out after this year.never kno, we might get back...
  8. M

    breaking up...

    some of mi break ups i have learnt from, othas i have chosen to forget. but wen u break up wid a chick, then its not good, but as much as it may be ur fault, there is always another person to blame. a relationship is 2 ppl, and there is no piont in laying blame on 1 person
  9. M

    GF probs

    [B]has anyone ever had a GF dump them cause they cant handle the HSC n a relationship at da same time?? and then find out that the reason she has told u is nothing like the real reason....she wants to be able to flirt with whoever, whenever, where ever she wants 2. i love her heaps, and i...