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Search results

  1. I

    Recycled Water: Your Opinion

    i think recycled water is a good idea in the long run, but other options should be implemented first. eg. water tanks installed, firstly for gardens, pools, drinking water and the like. install greywater systems, similarly for the gardens. Improve water wastage, especially on farms...
  2. I

    "Green Nuclear Power" in Australia

    Coal is a limited resource and has such a negative impact on the environment, whether or not you believe that CO2 emissions contribute to global warming. The greenhouse gases also have negative impacts on the health of humans, eg impact of air pollution. The greenhouse gases not only comes from...
  3. I

    "HIV Patients Not Welcome in Australia" John Howard

    Immigrants are already screened with respect to HIV, so John Howard's proposal is not a new idea. Those HIV sufferers that are let through are usually spouses, or have humanitarian needs. John Howard just shows his ignorance again. Further restricting the system is unneccesary.
  4. I

    differentiation of exponentials question

    y = x e^x using product rule, dy/dx = x e^x + e^x stationary point when dy/dx = 0 e^x(x +1) = 0 e^x cannot = 0, therefore stat. pt. when x = -1 to determine its nature use second derivative or test points either side by product rule, y"= e^x(x+1) + e^x = e^x(x+2) for x= -1, y" is positive...
  5. I

    Class of 2007

    I do SOR 1, but scaling doesn't really matter.
  6. I

    Effects of an Entirely Labor Australia?

    I'm sure if even you realise this, then senior politicians with economics degrees would also realise this. I like the idea of an all-Labor government, mainly because it would mean John Howard would no longer be prime minister.
  7. I

    The Iraq War

    War is not an appropriate retaliation, war does not solve problems. By 'fighting' the 'terrorists', US is only fuelling support (eg. in countries where US has invaded and bombed etc.) also by over reacting and sensationalising the acts of terror, it only heightens the feeling of terror amongst...
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    The Iraq War

    it's a sign your argument is falling apart when you resort to such racist and ignorant comments.
  9. I

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    Falling pregnant 'accidentally' is not related to intelligence (obviously). If precautions are taken, which they generally are, it is both the responsibility of the man and the women. truth is subjective. obviuosly you possess a different view upon what the truth is. You too gloss over facts...
  10. I

    Class of 2007: Roll Call

    I think I'm doing Quanta to Quarks
  11. I

    The Iraq War

    No I don't agree, it is hardly fair to victimise an entire religion because of a minority. And, 99.99% of terrorrism is not caused by Muslims, it only appears that way because of media sensationalism.
  12. I

    probability question

    i) he has a 3 in 100 chance to win the first prize as he bought 3 tickets out of the 100 sold. To win the second prize as well he has a 3/100 x 2/99 chance. 3/100 because this is the chance he has to win first and 2/99 as he has 2 tickets left and overall there are 99 tickets left (as first...
  13. I

    What is your all time favourite book?

    Ahh, so many ... Harry Potter, Hobbit & LOTR Obernewtyn - Isobelle Carmody Mimus - Lilli Thal The Outsider - Albert Camus High Valley - Charmian Clift and George Johnston Catcher in The Rye - JD Salinger Johnno - David Malouf Pagan's Crusade - C Jinks ah there are so many more
  14. I

    complex number question!

    root 6i = + or - (root3 + root3 i) and root i = + or - [(root2/ 2) + (root2 / 2) i]
  15. I

    Indo Thread?

    Hai, aku juga belajar bahasa Indonesia. aku belajar sejak kelas 8, aku belum ke Indonesia. baik kalau kami bisa belatih bicara pada thread ini. semoga, tahun ini, thread ini akan berhasil. lol.
  16. I

    really quick survey

    Society and Culture Survey: Intra-personal Communication Age: 16 Gender: Male Female 1. Have you ever kept a diary? Yes No If No go to question 5? 2. Was it for personal reflection (e.g. Dear diary… or Blog style)? Yes No (if no go to question 5) 3. How long did you keep it for? Month to a...
  17. I

    The Glass House has been axed...

    high ratings means high approval among viewers, of course there will be people who dislike the Glass House, as every show has people who dislike it. But this axing is ridiculous. The Glass House was a great show, even if some of the humour may have been a bit lame. The ideas and topics raised...
  18. I


    It's a little strange that the authority that you claim as more reputable and more reliable states that dalai lamas had a "recognized status as gods", when buddhists do not believe in gods. Such inaccuracies throughout this document leaves me questioning the reliability and validity of this...
  19. I

    TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELVES! The Worrying rise of a conservative youth!

    A few explanations on the authenticity of the man-made climate change that is occuring, from noteworthy scientific journals, not sensationalist media reports with vested interests. http://www.newscientist.com/channel/earth/climate-change...
  20. I


    Tibetans under the Buddhist theocracy had freedom of religion and belief and were not oppressed, the Chinese overthrow of the theocracy did not uphold fundamental human rights by liberating them, but tried to suppress the local religion and the freedom of thought, belief and practice of...