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Search results

  1. S

    Union Board Elections 2006

    Re: Union Board Elections 2006 - UPDATED 26/4 even though there is one at broadway, which is only a small walk.
  2. S

    Union Board Elections 2006

    Re: Union Board Elections 2006 - UPDATED 26/4 well i dont know you in real life do i retard, just because i call you a hippie over the internet does not mean i wouldn't say it in real life. Stop trying to be like 'lolz im untouchable in real lyfe and coz u guyz lyke post on the internet yu...
  3. S

    Union Board Elections 2006

    Re: Union Board Elections 2006 - UPDATED 26/4 roz crashed my ECOP lecture at 3pm
  4. S

    Union Board Elections 2006

    Re: Union Board Elections 2006 - UPDATED 26/4 play nice hippie, play nice. :)
  5. S

    For those doing PSYCH

    Re: For those doing psyc it'd be good doing them together as alot of the stuff overlaps, when you're doing similar things you tend to understand both better.
  6. S

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    age: 19 job: unemployed wage: approx 350-400$ a week (no im not on the dole, centrelink, ausstudy or anything similar to that)
  7. S

    long distance relationships - do they work??

    yes pol is a VERY physical person.
  8. S

    This is for all you 50 Cent haters!

    this is a known fact, since when has it been cool to get shot at and not shoot back - jadakiss.
  9. S

    The People of USyd

    awesome, did i miss much today, i opted to stay home and work on essay :(
  10. S

    The People of USyd

    oh another psych student :o well if you are in the 10am tues psych lecture, the 1pm thurs psych lecture, or the 3pm fri psych lecture then you have probably seen me :o EDIT: this is hiphophooray123
  11. S

    *Official Fuck 96.1 Thread*

    9.61 the edge has ALOT of problems that I am not going to be bothered to type out. Not obvious but i think it is actually encouraging the continuation of 'lolz im a gangsta' stupid trend lebos and most wogs seem to follow. I have not heard one hip hop song played, all stupid mainstream...