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  1. S

    Commerce/Psychology...any synergies?

    Hey, I'm currently majoring in finance and entering my third year. I'm considering the costs (& benefits) of taking up a psychology major in a BSc leading to a 4th yr (honours in psych). I can have honours completed by the end of 2013. I recognise that they are two completely...
  2. S

    "Celebrity atheists expose their hypocrisy"- A really shitty article

    Of course, but your re-enforcing my point. I would never be so foolish to say that Hitler represents Catholics, that would be ludicrous. I'm simply defneding against this time-old, ridiculous assertion by theists that Hitler is a good sample of where atheistic morality leads to. I think that...
  3. S

    "Celebrity atheists expose their hypocrisy"- A really shitty article

    Hitchens is far smarter then this article portrays. He takes a "macro" level look at what the Biblical outlook really is- example for ~97 000 Heaven sat still and watched us kill each other and then finally intervened in a remote part of the desert to spread the final world only 2000 yrs ago...
  4. S

    "Celebrity atheists expose their hypocrisy"- A really shitty article

    At a governmental level you just defined secularism. Do note though, you are dangerously oversimplifying the religious (or any non-religious cause). There are billions in the world who hold an ideology that they DO want to spread and instill. If it is an attack at all its aimed primarily at...
  5. S

    "Celebrity atheists expose their hypocrisy"- A really shitty article

    This author is an idiot and only further advances the main argument against religious apologists. Hitler for the 50 000th time was not an atheist. "Mein Kampf" speaks about the universal "creator", one who viewed the Aryan race as "chosen by God"- it was a sin to dilute it Hitler thought. In...
  6. S

    Do you believe Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Christ??

    Free will is inconsistent with omnipotence/omniscience Its purely a later invention of apologists to counter the problematic nature of evil, the lacking in Christian ethics and the general logical fuck up that Christianity is under the scope of a philosopher. I don't even think the concept is...
  7. S

    Do you believe Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Christ??

    I know... SOMETIMES people see the light and have left evangelical thinking. I mean one of the greatest skeptics today (Derren Brown mentioned above) was an evangelical until his twenties, now full blown atheist. If we don't try, the virus spreads...
  8. S

    Do you believe Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Christ??

    Exactly A giant, loving, invisible bag of red rock deli chips, is just as viable as an epistemological position as is the nature of "god" (an unknown entity). There is an infinite amount of substitutions that could be made here.
  9. S

    Do you believe Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Christ??

    just to highlight the fallacy of your logic... Let's try and keep the discussion rational.
  10. S

    Corporal punishment?

    Iron: So if we formed the simple regression equation, testing whether the independent variable X (Christianity In Households) has any effect upon the dependent variable (Corporate Punishment in the home), your stating that the slope term B1 has no significance? Such that, B1=0 and there is...
  11. S

    My abs are uneven!

    Are you a gypsy?
  12. S

    Change the nudity laws!

    Are you naked when they do the flogging?
  13. S

    Change the nudity laws!

    This concludes the case brilliantly. Any other rebuttal appears to stem from ideological nutjobs, armed wth presuppositionalism.
  14. S

    Change the nudity laws!

    Were not Adam & Eve naked? This has nothing to do with God. Sure, in a practical sense, when working around food (for hygiene) or in a dangerous situation ie factory etc protective clothing is a necessity for the protection of the genitalia. A gentle stroll along the beach to get the paper on...
  15. S

    Change the nudity laws!

    And your deep set moral objectivity is bigotry! Your a heathen not of God, but of Humanity. These "barbarians" are your fellows brothers that you profess love for. I'd argue that it would strengthen relationships. If people no longer are purely driven by superficial sexual desires then we would...
  16. S

    Change the nudity laws!

    So the exposure of women's breasts, a long established cultural practice in African tribes is sinful? It is just a part of the body that mankind has decided is 'taboo'- this is frivilous and irrational thinking! Conservative thought is dead my friend! Hang free.
  17. S

    Change the nudity laws!

    Re: The need for nudity laws Why should your want to not see this be paramount over their right to want to do it? As long as they are not harming you in anyway, I find your position weak. You can choose to not look, but also, if this was acceptable behaviour why only stigmatise old men...
  18. S

    Change the nudity laws!

    I was just thinking, why should it be criminalised to be naked? As long as you are not acting in a perverted and sexually harmful way to others, why does the state assume the right to command that you wear various fabrics? In the netherlands, you can at least walk around topless as a woman...
  19. S

    Does God exist?

    What do you people make of claims of strong atheism? This proposition, which earlier highlighted requires positive knowledge, seems to be only possible if an objective morality can be derived without God- ie as in David Kelly's "The Logical Structure of Objectivism" and the work of Ayn Rand...