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    Forced Abortion

    Yea he is a good mate. One thing, he told me god is dead, and retarts on this forum are the ones who killed him.
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    Forced Abortion

    And by the big motherlode question, where do you 'derive" wrong from? What objective source? Either: 1) 'God'; please add much further details. 2) Ayn Rand lol 3) Nietzsche- ie wrong is bs.
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    Best Comm/LLB major, if you want to be a lawyer.

    hmm I have already done 2 out of 8 subjects towards an accounting OR finance major, but after this semester I'm not so sure whether to continue or start Economics instead (done 0/8). I've done all the core subjects, HD in all. For someone who is going to be a lawyer, would Accounting...
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    Does God exist?

    Yes God exists but he doesn't want to be worshiped. He hates people who worship him and will definitely burn those worshipers in hell.
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    Are you a mongoloid?
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    The Mathew Johns Sex scandal.

    This event will push MJ towards Islam.
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    Finance q- Coefficient of Var.

    No budding Fin or Stat students who know the answer? Help would be really appreciated guys, this is confusing my mid-session study.
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    Finance Q- Coeff. of Variation

    Posting here also for more exposure: The coefficient of variation equals standard deviation/expected returns... My question (I have searched extensively on the net with little results) is, when you have a SD based on monthly data can you compute the CV using an annualized expected return...
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    Finance q- Coefficient of Var.

    Finance Help- Working with the Coefficient of Variation The coefficient of variation equals standard deviation/expected returns... My question (I have searched extensively on the net with little results) is, when you have a SD based on monthly data can you compute the CV using an annualized...
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    Your Thoughts: The Criminal Law, Intoxication and One Night Stands

    Absolutely. I mean, given the circumstances, if 'consensual sex' occured- the physical evidence will be there from an internal (although the question of whether girls who were faking rape would go through with this), then it purely comes down to the guy v the girl. Who will the court believe...
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    Your Thoughts: The Criminal Law, Intoxication and One Night Stands

    *moved from Law Forum: I read an article a while back which mentioned the difficulties the Criminal Law faces in regards to rape cases, particularly when the victim was intoxicated. If a girl has alcohol in her system, consents to sex (say her and a guy met at a club) and the guy...
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    Should teachers be able to have sexual relations with consenting students?

    Agreed. Cookie182: Negative rep'd for such a shit house, wishy-washy legal analysis, which did nothing beyond show that you have no argument for the question at hand. lol u shouldnt b a law student
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    The legitimacy of depression as an illness.

    Agreed. What is people's thoughts on the use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in the treatment of depression?
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    Starting Mid Year

    yea man, i started spring i jsut caught up sum of the autmun sub over summer session not sure whether UTS runs that or not prob would though
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    The legitimacy of depression as an illness.

    Without being offensive, most of that was emotional wish-wash and shows you have paid little attention to the dicussion at hand. Firstly, as Kfunk rightfully pointed out, it is a very complicated issue in hot debate throughout the medical community. Purely labelling it as a chemical imbalance...
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    The legitimacy of depression as an illness.

    Exactly, a mask. People see pyschologists etc for 10 years trying to find out "why" they are depressed and take drugs prescribed by pyschiatrists. The results are too variable to make any valid conclusions. However, it is interesting what you said about flipping the switch. Look into...
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    The legitimacy of depression as an illness.

    Who am I? Is the question every human essentially wants an answer too. This may seem irrelevant, but think on it. Has more weighting in this discussion then you may initially realise.
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    The legitimacy of depression as an illness.

    I accept that there are times when it comes on through hormone imbalances (eg Pre-natal depression), but I think that overall we are becoming a 'depression culture'. It is the thing we all think we have these days as soon as we don't get what we want. I fundamentally think it is an identity...
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    Should pre-marital sex be illegal?

    I'm a moralist, I swear :)