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    Since I have "burning desire backed by faith" I hope to 'Think and Grow Rich'.
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    'What is Marketing?' Guide - a Resource for Anyone Interested in Marketing

    Maybe for accounting and finance. There appears to be huge confusion amongst students as to the differences and similarities between the two. :)
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    Qualities needed to be a lawyer?

    Whilst I'm not in complete disagreance, it does arguably depend on how you view the nature of 'law'. If you view 'law' from a positivist standpoint; that is as a separate entity independent of morals then by deduction practicing law has no moral considerations to begin with.
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    Regarding relationships

    You need to whip out "Double your Dating" By David DeAngelo or an old classic would be the '48 Laws of Power' by Robert Green. Or check out my other thread. In absolute summary, girls don't want a 'nice guy'. They want a masculine man. A man in control. Some one self-assured, confident...
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    How do you tell her?

    Show her mother your penis and see if she approves.
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    5th Base (anal sex)

    Re: :mad: grr! I reckon once you start involving watersports! :)
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    GUYS what do you look for in a gal?

    Nudity really. Preferably under a fur coat. Yea I like that.
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    Need Girls Adivce Please!

    No worries dude, any other questions just ask. But yea, on that it is an interest area for me and whilst im well-read on female pyschology, at the end of the day, it is a practical subject! Thats the hardest part, getting out their and putting it into play. Sometimes the challenge lies in not...
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    Need Girls Adivce Please!

    I feel that for you the only way to reform is to pull out the big guns. You need to seriously man-up. It's going to be hard but you can change. Girls like confidence. Girls like a man in control. Someone who is self-assured, albeit a little arrogant. This doesn't mean you need to walk up to a...
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    Double Degree and GPA

    Sure this has been asked b4 but cant be bothered to search Say u do a double, eg Comm/law and your very good at your finance major within your comm degree eg HD average however your only getting C's/P's in law, does your overall GPA get brought down by your law grades or are you given two...
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    Coming up to choosing commerce major, whats a good choice with an LLB

    Thanks for the input...yea i guess i am generalising ob areer options are broad. From a bit of research I was doing, looks as thoughaccounting backgrounds are pretty well regarded in commercial law fims as well. Anyone got any input on an economics major? I find im very strong at economics...
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    Coming up to choosing commerce major, whats a good choice with an LLB

    hmm Im in comm/LLB, dunno wat major for commerce though. Im one of those people who ACTUALLY enjoys accounting, but i dunno it doesnt seem as broad. Economics looks okay, and i find a lot of the content is applicable in legal areas as well. Finance seems a huge risk (no pun intended)...dunno...
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    Interracial relationships

    Why are you two brothers arguing?? Us surfers we need to come together man, were fucking winners!! I love getting out there, fresh ocean, all the boys just gettin sick waves- i mean that is just how we roll bitches always remember, were winners man fucking winners!! peace.
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    Saudi religious police ban red roses for valentine's day (no joke) lol

    So theres no chance of getting action on the first date??? That sucks
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    Saudis are barbaric savages

    My thoughts always come down to what are Islam's views on surfing?? Is it banned? Im sure some1 as spiritual as Mohammed himself would experienced a barrel or two in his life? Any1 keen to elaborate? It sure would get hot living ur whole life in that fucking desert!
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    Opinions on studying combined law at UOW

    Hi all, umm i missed out by a few points on combined law programs at sydney (got 97.5) but i am a local student for UOW and it does look like a very respectable university. The campus is flawless, the lecturers seem friendly and approachable and transportation will be very easy...
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    When Is Alias Season 5 returning???

    I think im the only one that is wondering, but will the last season of ALias finally return to our screens this year? I know the US has seen it all, i was wondering why 7 has been avoiding its return? Obviously, being the last season it will be crazy! Any1 else want it to return?
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    how young is 2 young??

    This matter is so fucked up, its almost good enough to go on Maury Povich or Jerry Springer. U really are a rock spider AJ a dead-set fuckin gimp. Wouldnt suprise me if we find out it was ur sister.