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    My Spiritual Beliefs- What would you clasify me as?

    Great point. Ignore them anyway, they have their beliefs. I never stated that my beliefs were without flaws, but hey I have my whole life to keep adding to them.
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    My Spiritual Beliefs- What would you clasify me as?

    As i pointed out above, everything we hear is only attributed meaning through HOW we decide to attribute meaning to it- through our internal representational system (which has been developed through our experiences, the web of associations we have given to words as we grew up and learned and...
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    My Spiritual Beliefs- What would you clasify me as?

    I respect people such as yourself who find value in such qualities. :) Thank you for the kind reply. May your dreams of today become your realities of tomorrow.
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    My Spiritual Beliefs- What would you clasify me as?

    Yes i really do understand how you feel. Im 19 btw. At uni, many of my friends are 'devout' Christians. Whilst i respect their map, I’m not ‘perfect’ by their relative standards (surprisingly, nor are they!) and at times it can be frustrating when they pass 'judgments' on how you acted in a...
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    My Spiritual Beliefs- What would you clasify me as?

    Definitely elements of it, yes. Thanks for the reply. Maybe share some of your beliefs or how you related if you have the time :)
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    My Spiritual Beliefs- What would you clasify me as?

    Thanks for the kind reply. I like to think that I'm focused, yet I love the learning curve- I know that there is yet so much more to understand as well and that excites me everyday. But yes, having a broad acceptance of others has truly made my life happier (I use to have what i refered to as a...
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    My Spiritual Beliefs- What would you clasify me as?

    I'd say thanks, but I'm not seeking validation of them. But is great that you share similar thoughts... I wrote them out personally this afternoon, off the top of my head. Of course, the ideas would have to have origins in readings/experiences I have had in the past, but they are essentially...
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    My Spiritual Beliefs- What would you clasify me as?

    My Spiritual Beliefs- What would you clasify me as?/Personal Belief Thread Surfernerd Statement of Beliefs As at 17 the January, 2009. Firstly, this is a serious thread, despite the expectation of ludicrous responses, I made it in the hope that at LEAST one worth while response will be...
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    Motivational Speaker/Life Coach- Best Degree?

    Yea, cheers to the post above. I expected a lot of posts to be negative, but that is the way of human nature. Obviously, as Kfunk’s parable pointed out- you need life experience first. I’ll complete my Comm/llb degree first and then move into coaching preferably in my early 30’s. :wave...
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    Motivational Speaker/Life Coach- Best Degree?

    I think this would be an interesting career. Obviously, you have to have some success first in a major facet of life: Business, Relationships etc What degrees do you think would be most important? I'm thinking something along the lines of commerce (marketing or finance) with...
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    Legal Officer

    Is it like "A Few Good Men"?
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    Best Beer for Girls

    Is any1 actually a huge fan of the goon tit?
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    Best Beer for Girls

    Corona ($$$) or from the tap selections- prob cascade light/midstrength beers or pure blonde
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    English Literature

    anywhere and everywhere...arts degrees! Only really useful if you want to- 1) Be a teacher 2) Be a writer 3) Further academic study ie PhD 4) Move into legal studies.
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    Changing Major?

    Hey man, I do comm/law and can't pick between accy or fin (need a decision soon) Can u give me the pro's/con's the way u see it between the two and why your changing?
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    Any guys into not being losers?

    Haha AFC for sure.
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    Any guys here into the 'game'? Sarging etc

    I doubt many of you will have a clue what i am on (which is good in a way) But guys here into sarging? Becoming a huge interest of mine. I've been doing a lot of inner game work and have now been focusing on outer game stuff like the M. Method etc, but I’m also interested in Jefferies NLP...
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    13 year old girl stoned to death in Somalia

    [/COLOR] Hmm, i agree to an extent. I guess because we live in a society which feels so distant from such acts, it is hard to even empathise. But i do think it's very sad, something I'd expect to see in some ancient film or Xena/Hercules. What i don't get with this system of law is even...
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    Does any1 live naked?

    You shower naked? Really? That's almost unheard of where i come from.
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    Forensic Accounting

    Sensible career choice? Is there much work outside the Big 4? Boring/Interesting? I would like as much info as any one can spill out about this very intriguing field. Also, is CA or CPA better for forensics? Thanks.