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Search results

  1. S

    french continuers

    yeh the whole kangaroo thing was a bit weird, I had to pay more attention the second time through to make sure that I didnt just imagine myself hearing something :P anyway - i thought the internet (15 mark-er) reading/responding wasn't too bad. As long as you can talk in the past you can get a...
  2. S

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    l'HSC est fini pour moi.... jusqu'a l'annee prochaine :( encore, bonne chance a toule le monde pour vos examens, j'espere que vous reussirez avec des bonnes notes!
  3. S

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    on sait jamais - il serait simple.... comme l'HSC de 2002. Mon prof le m'a donne quand j'etais en 'year 10' et je l'ai reussi presque cent pourcent :P mais les examens plus recement sont plus difficile malheureusement. aujourd'hui, j'ai ecrit deux reponses, j'ai ecoute deux passages d'orale. Je...
  4. S

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Pendant l'examen d'orale, oui, mais en realite g pas decide, peut-etre apres je reussirai l'HSC l'annee prochaine (g accelerate le francais pour une raison je ne comprends plus) where the hell are the accents!?!?!?! l'HSC, seulement deux jours d'aujourd'hui.....
  5. S

    Supp Texts - Imaginative

    Considering there are alot of mainstream texts there, I thought I'd throw out something I'm sure noone would have used before. Cradle of Filth's song "Nemesis". Be warned, it is Black Metal, so almost no words can be understood in the actual song, but the lyrics can be used if u think hard...
  6. S

    Who hates physics?

    yeah i know - its now another subject like english, where you can get the answer right, but worded it slightly different to the ideal answer and they deduct marks from you. :burn: this is why i'm doing as much maths as possible - if you get to the answer, you can't lose marks.