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  1. icecoffee

    econ1001 quiz 2

    I got d for 10? Since MC is the derivative of TC --> MC = 1 + 2q, so if q=2, then MC=5 VC = q + q^2, so VC = 3 correct me if i'm wrong...
  2. icecoffee

    econ1001 quiz 2

    Hello hello I got c for as well. But b for 20? I guessed e for 19 but i'm not sure. Atm, am mainly stuck on: 2, 4, 12, 16 and 18. Ideas?
  3. icecoffee

    econ1001 online quiz!!

    Congrats! Keep in mind that one of the questions need to be corrected since it was marked wrong. The one about comparative advantage in cooking/cleaning. YAY for extra marks! :)
  4. icecoffee

    econ1001 online quiz!!

    oops late reply... umm pretty much finished i suppose, not totally confident but oh well.. you?
  5. icecoffee

    econ1001 online quiz!!

    i got b for 15 as well.
  6. icecoffee

    econ1001 online quiz!!

    i got what you guys got for 7 and 18. did we reach a consensus for 3 and/or 6?
  7. icecoffee

    econ1001 online quiz!!

    hmmm i got a for 3 and b for 8. For 3, my reasoning that it wasn't e was because that there is no actual option of selling it $130000, at least not for the moment. Not sure if that's right though... any ideas?
  8. icecoffee

    yep c

    yep c
  9. icecoffee

    econ1001 online quiz!!

    hmmm 17 i got c? 1.86 is the elasticity of demand i think, but b says elasticity of supply. 19 i put e as well... no idea what's going on there lol :)
  10. icecoffee

    econ1001 online quiz!!

    I thought it was a. Wouldn't an increase in price cause quantity demanded to fall?
  11. icecoffee

    econ1001 online quiz!!

    Yeah I've looked through them all, unsure about some of them though.
  12. icecoffee

    econ1001 online quiz!!

    Awesome. *sigh* this quiz was harder than i thought it was gonna be >_<
  13. icecoffee

    econ1001 online quiz!!

    LOL thanks. Your sig is rather distracting... but it made me lol. hmm ok what about Q1? i got d?
  14. icecoffee

    econ1001 online quiz!!

    I thought it was b... but then that would mean supply decreases, price would increase and essentially demand would decrease? ... is that even right?
  15. icecoffee

    econ1001 online quiz!!

    What'd you guys get for Q6? Seemed simple enough till I over-thought about it....
  16. icecoffee

    Where is TC Psych Tutorial Rm 401???

    Yep, Teacher's College :)
  17. icecoffee

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2010)

    Anyone here done ACCT2011, aka financial accounting A? Only the first week and this seems to be the most boring subject ever!
  18. icecoffee

    OH wow art/law @ macq! impressive! Congrats on that, hope you're enjoying it! :) Currently...

    OH wow art/law @ macq! impressive! Congrats on that, hope you're enjoying it! :) Currently still doing the same commerce course at usyd but I don't think it's for me anymore, only wish I'd figured that out earlier. hahaha >< I guess after the hsc, we just got sick of the subjects we did [hence...
  19. icecoffee

    heyy, was just browsing through old posts and saw the one about weird course choices. how's...

    heyy, was just browsing through old posts and saw the one about weird course choices. how's everything working out for you?
  20. icecoffee

    Massive bookshop queue

    First week of uni co-op line is long. The wait isn't THAT long imo, late arvo is bearable. If you need something from the copy centre, best way is to order it online. Express line ftw!