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  1. S

    Accg201 Helphelphelp!!

    This unit is horrible. I hate it so much. What the hell is this balanced scorecard?? lead/lag indicators??? du pont charts??? All this management accounting shit...I just hate 200/201.............201 especially. Not that it's hard, but one of the worst and most boring unit I've ever done...
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    ACCG 253 preparation for final exam!

    It was a bit longish, but damn easy. I couldn't believe some of the calc. questions were just absolute free marks especially the fisher one. perfect replica of the tutorial question. I didn't do too well for the theory part, because I had none of them written on my cheat sheet... anyway...
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    Accg201 Helphelphelp!!

    Do you guys think I can cram the whole course in full 6 days??? I've only completed my exam note, haven't gone through it yet.
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    ACCG 253 preparation for final exam!

    How are you guys going with the theory??? calculation part is now somewhat ok but some of the theories just don't sink into my brain???:mad:
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    Accg201 Helphelphelp!!

    is the final going to be similar as accg250/251?? you know as 201 and 251 are two theory based units...I did just OK in accg251, (high cr). If the final for 201 will be similar I won't worry too much about this and just gonna work on other units..
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    Accg201 Helphelphelp!!

    thank god we won't be tested on transfer pricing
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    ACCG 253 preparation for final exam!

    Is there a negative marking in 253?
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    ACCG 253 preparation for final exam!

    I'm doing the similar as you. I've completed my exam notes up to week 10, and moving on to options now. Been trying the tute questions twice, but many questions still remain unsolved. it's even worse for the theory part, things just don't sink into my brain.... I've asked many friends...
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    2 units for summer school

    Is taking 2 units (BUSL301 & MKTG101, no time clashes) going to be too stressful? any advice on taking 2 units during summer? I've dropped a unit last sem so i'm thinking of making that up by doing it during summer Thanks!!!
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    Rate the MQ economics degree.

    Micro Macro Hope this helps.
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    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    Got a call from KPMG for an interview next friday. I need advices...I really don't wanna screw this up.. edit: do a lot of ppl get a chance for the first-round interview? Is it competitive to advance to the next round? I got a call that I'll be attending some behavioural assessment +...
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    Big 4 Accounting Firms Internships 2008

    Do interviewers ask for the document of our UAI? They do on their websites, but do they ask for one for the face-to-face interview? I think I lost mine..
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    Sports & Aquatic Centre membership

    I used to pay $37.50/mth for the uni gym. It has a swimming pool too. I had to cancel my membership simply because...I HATE 545.:mad:
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    accg253 and accg200...assistance plx

    ACCG200 Lecture - recommended but not compulsory. If your timetable is shit because of ACCG200 lecture, don't bother go. Theres so much to learn in ACCG200 and 1 hr lecture just isn't enough. Tutorial - I won't talk about attendance, but work-wise, please DO your tute work consistently...
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    Semester 2 2008

    ACCG201 ACCG253 BUSL301 PHIL134 I'm more concerned about PHIL than any other units..
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    Results Discussion still forbidden not too curious whats beyond though
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    Results Discussion

    I knew nothing was gonna change Liars
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    Results Discussion

    does estudent ever delay releasing results? like for hours?
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    Results Discussion

    5-6 minutes fucking come on already
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    Results Discussion

    45 mins