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  1. oswald

    Does God exist?

    And yeah its a good movie, though just as everyone else does, they use the same manipulative techniques to make you beleive one thing over another. There is a whole subculture devoted to making you think that all the big movie labels try and control you or something, yet the video they use uses...
  2. oswald

    Does God exist?

    The future scares me. Observers can look at the world and formualte ideas about it, make nice videos opening peoples eyes to all the shit that goes on, but nothing ever changes. humans are still mental, sick in the head. the clock keeps ticking and we're all still here on this thing we call a...
  3. oswald

    Does God exist?

    THANKYOU! so even if everything was as we know it, we could die and put 2 bucks back in the machine! doo ya think you'd go again if it was?
  4. oswald

    Does God exist?

    yeah i really dont know much about evolution i sorta jumped the gun and went straight to all that hypothetical shit that tends to rule it out like time and all that shit. keep it to yourself, but i think we're on the truman show.
  5. oswald

    Does God exist?

    Infact, don't you agree it would have been nice if god with all his knowledge cleared up a few things in that bible of his? I mean c'mon, way to beat around the bush eh?
  6. oswald

    Does God exist?

    well i didnt really read any of that, i saw that ape man picture that was pretty cool. but yeah, so thas how it all happened. so we're all alone eh? just us, oh wait do you guys beleive in aliens? well anything out there? do you think they would have religions of their own? do you think the...
  7. oswald

    Does God exist?

    wow i didnt think we had much to back us up on that one, is natural selection different to evolution though or are they sorta two in the one? so the white one died out cause its environment darkened, leaving the darker moth to flourish, wouldn't the white one have turned darker? can't we make...
  8. oswald

    Does God exist?

    have we? point it out
  9. oswald

    Does God exist?

    I like this standpoint, i can piss the religious and the scientific off. Well gravitational theory tends to be about something that sticks us to the ground oh so strangely. Evolution is about something we haven't witnessed. We are merely trying to find answers for our existence. Why do we have...
  10. oswald

    Does God exist?

    how do i post my own thread, i think it would be more useful to have some more defining questions. I'm wondering about this faith buisness, is it all faith, or do christians really talk to god as they claim so carelessly?
  11. oswald

    Does God exist?

    I'd say even if the bible isn't all its cracked up to be, its still the one peice of philosophy that i'd agree with. It speaks truth. It kinda scares me that science might one day come up with answer for everything. I always thought that so long as we are alive, we will never be sure of...
  12. oswald

    Does God exist?

    yeah i thought that was pretty rude too. all that compelling argument gone.
  13. oswald

    Does God exist?

    yeah, i mean what about those dinasours? and carbon dating.... whats religion got.... that jesus guy, all that historic stuff? nup, i dunno?
  14. oswald

    Does God exist?

    try questioning yourself once in a while smart one, sorta counteracts a biased opinion.
  15. oswald

    Does God exist?

    Well thats true, unless you want to get somewhere in which case you'll have to work really hard, work unquestionally if you want to do it. there is a million outcomes from a million questions that all branch out in to more questions, and they all feed themselves. its a looop, take some acid...
  16. oswald

    Does God exist?

    I tend to think there has to be some sort of origin of the world because time itself suggests a begginning, middle and... end. Unless time itself evolved out of nothing along with everything else we're talking about. then i tend to beleive in some sort of intelligent design. just as you can't...
  17. oswald

    Does God exist?

    Well mate just as you are pretty confident in your opinion, the next person is just the same. So it is all opinion and just as someone else said we're back where we started. Both religion and science take faith, neither one can disprove one another. Isn't it perfect?
  18. oswald

    Does God exist?

    nah i dont get that, you'll have to explain. I'd say the problem is we're all trying to disprove each other, if you were genuinly trying to find answers you might work a few things out for yourself. Otherwise we're all just kids fighting. but yeah why does the creator have to have a creator...
  19. oswald

    Does God exist?

    but thats just the thing, who says theres any such thing as time outside of this world. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX. Who says there was any begining or end for that creator? maybe he is just as the bible says, "I AM"
  20. oswald

    Does God exist?

    what about the question of existence? Why am I here, what am I doing and where the hell is this place we've come to call the universe. Did the big bang think up the idea of time and space? Does evolution mind if I go and kill myself? Did the big bang plan on me sitting here at a...