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  1. T


    Thanks heaps. I'll probably have a crack at some of these problems tonight. I'm not looking forward to this test at all ...
  2. T


    I am a shortish (around 5'6" ) Caucasian, with short black hair and a boring dress sense. I have a tendency to sit at the front of lectures. Do you own a scanner?
  3. T


    If anyone here does PHYS2010, and has the second question sheet on harmonic oscillators I would love to hear from you ...
  4. T

    What you hate about UNSW

    That can get rather annoying. What do you think of Mico? I personally think he is brilliant.
  5. T

    philosophy: anyone done it? or wanna do it?

    I was going to do some philosophy this session; unfortunately PHIL2004 was full when I went to enroll. No philosophy for me ...
  6. T


    Sorry, the glaring grammatical error was getting rather annoying. Carry on ...
  7. T

    911 conspiracy theories

    I'm fighting the urge to register that domain name ...
  8. T

    15 units

    I had a friend who started with 15 units and finished year 12 with 10 units. He had to do some of his classes outside of school when he had the 15 unit load. Personally, I had 13 units worth of subjects and I didn't really end up doing well in some of my subjects. If you personally think you...
  9. T

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Alan Zeino is a sexy, sexy man.
  10. T

    Post Your Pics!

    (cough) Uniwide (/cough)
  11. T

    I don't know what to do next! :hammer:

    I see your thread has garnered some excellent replies. From the trolls that is. I would suggest just exploring with your hands and the like. A specific area you could focus on is the nipples as they are quite sensitive and he will get a pleasurable sensation from it. However, try to not confine...
  12. T

    Ancient or Modern?

    I really enjoyed Modern History, however that may have been due to having an excellent teacher. I never studied Ancient History. However, I am still going to state in my humble opinion that Modern History is better. This is just to counter all the Modern History bashing evident in this thread.
  13. T

    UNSW Open day.

    Pfft. We just do our drinking outside of college. Churchill's and the Regent being popular haunts.
  14. T

    UNSW Open day.

    It wouldn't take you much longer than five minutes to walk from Mathews to the Law building. However, that assumes that you know where you are going.
  15. T

    UNSW Open day.

    Welcome to our world! It really isn't that far, unless of course you have to take the trek all the way up to the Biomed building. You should all do the tour of New College :wave: (shameless promotion I know).
  16. T

    People with higher IQ 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

    Another distinct possibility is that it could descend into a flame war. That would always be <del>amusing</del> terrible. What is so wrong with post modernism? A Christian apologetic I read often doesn't seem to give it much credence either. Would you care to expound on the evils of post...
  17. T

    People with higher IQ 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

    I stand corrected. I was slightly uncertain how to categorise his beliefs. It really annoys me when people deliberately misconstrue what Einstein has previously said with the intention of making it seem he believed in a personal God. Quotes like, "God doesn't play with dice" come to mind...
  18. T

    People with higher IQ 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

    Using the noun 'God' does not really do justice to Einsteins and perhaps even Hawking's beliefs as well. When using, the word 'God' (with a capital G) you are referring to the God of the Christian bible, one of the three Abrahamic religions (Islam, Christianity and the Jewish religion). This is...
  19. T

    People with higher IQ 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

    I'm not certain about Tesla, but Einstein was definitely not religious in the 'normal' sense of the word. It has often been construed by various organisations/individuals with an axe to grind (on par with the misquoting of biologists by creationists) that he was quote, "a deeply religious man"...