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  1. S

    Is my school just crap??

    just a question... how many people actually goto your school? if theres like 100+, your schools shit, doesnt really matter if ur coming first
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    This ever happen to you?

    heres what you do 1. plan something that will make her late for the train, ie she has to run for the doors 2. hold the door open, with a lot of unnecessary flexing action 3. start your convo 4. ravage her pussy
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    How do you prepare to take someones virginity?

    tell her to get stretching
  4. S

    Kfc- are killers

    that girl who died was too pussy to handle chicken
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    Gun Control

    my battle fury is pretty sweet too
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    Your dream car

    do u honestly expect chicks to know anything about cars? -AUDI TT
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    help! i burnt out

    "quit while your still ahead"
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    Kfc must read 4 ur health

    ive worked at kfc as a cook also, honestly speaking the way chicken is cooked isnt too bad, i mean, how else are u meant to make fried chicken? but, if ur terribly fussed about hygiene, pop corn chicken, nuggets and chips come directly from steggles or something, pre-packed by machinery so...
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    minimum pay

    you have done 2 years study of food tech and u got a job at oporto with that? THATS FUCKING AWESOME if u want more pay, lose some weight and learn to suck and take dicks
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    Accord/civic coupes

    why are accord/civc coupes not avaliable in australia? these cars look awesome and im there would be demand for them
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    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    im putting 2/cos[c]
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    The game

    we arent gooks, go back to china you fuckling faggot
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    A question of mortality

    it would also depend on the parameters -say every cell in your body was destroyed, can u still regenerate? -no need to breathe? -are you immune to paralysis, knockout drugs, can be mentally/physically subdued? if the answer is yes to all 3, i will choose immortality/million years
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    i think i may have ruined the best thing that ever happened to me.

    dota therapy, a few godlikes can solve any problem one time, i had a fight with my girlfriend she sucked my dick whilst i got godlike i really liked it, but i thought if i pretend to still be mad at her shed do it again
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    smoking on campus?

    what about smoking in lectures?
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    A question of mortality

    ill do a degree in engineering and over several thousand years ill build myself a spaceship then travel to some planet with 50x gravity and train until i turn into a super saiyan, then ill try to reach super saiyan 2, then super saiyan 3, then ill conquer the universe
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    Thoughts on To Kill A Mockingbird?

    this book was quite good, i espcially liked the bit, where the protagonist killed the mockingbird
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    UAI to soon be diminished in university selection criteria

    the uai entrance is low enough as it is we have enough shit cunts in uni as it is