The number of people killed in extremely rare masacres is less than the number of people who defend themselves successfully.
nice one.
I think i am done with this thread, most of the last few pages i have already addressed earlier.
Someone kept bringing up how they dont think their are many guns in Australia. Maybe its because they dont live in Sydney where guns are everywhere. NSW confiscates about 1000 illegal handguns every year, theres estimated to be about 20 000 handguns in Sydney alone and possibly another 70 000 other illegal guns.
In 1997 directly following the gun ban, approx 1million cheap chinese handguns were smuggled into the Australian black market.
10% of households have a gun. There are about 2million legal guns in Australia, but they are targeted by thieves and only about 1% of registered guns that are stolen are ever reported.
So yes ladies and gentlemen, the criminals do very much have the guns.
Now stop nitpicking my posts with useless questions that contribute nothing, you can find the same info that backs up my claims with a simple google search. Bring something useful to the table rather than an moronic " i don't believe the criminals have guns"
We have an unalienable and fundamental human right to self defence. Firearms play a big role in this self defence. Telling us that self defence is not a valid reason for owning a gun is like saying we do not have the right to defend ourselves. The police can do nothing to protect you in 99% of situations. All they can do is clean up the mess your head has left on the pavement and then possibly bring the criminals to justice. They cant defend you. It is your responsibility as a citizen of our country to protect yourself, and innocent others. There is only one correct answer to someone threatening your safety and that is a sudden, powerful and overwhelming show of force. This cannot be done effectively by most people without a gun.
The problem is most people see guns as evil because they hear in the news about people using a gun to commit a crime and MOST OF THE TIME when something is bad, something else cleans up the mess. Eg an arson running around with matches. I carry a small fire extinguisher in my car not just in case my own car is on fire, but also to help others that may be in trouble.
Normal, hard working law abiding citizens who want to bear arms are looked upon with suspicion and distrust when all they want to do is protect themselves and others around them. Why is this a crime? I would feel 10x safer knowing a teacher or someone else i trust was armed and ready to protect me, much in the same way that i feel safer when police are close by.