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  1. C

    SYLLABUS POINT – significance of the Mithridatic and Parthian wars

    What's that all about??? I can get what the wars WERE from Wikipedia, but does anyone know why they were significant enough to warrant their own dot point? (Here's the Wiki stuff-) There were three Mithridatic Wars between Rome and the Kingdom of Pontus in the first century BC. They are...
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    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    In answer to the original question of this thread: In terms religion vs no religion debates in Australia on a practical level (like being specific about the pros and cons of the attitudes and practices of various organsised religions), rather than philosophical 'is there a God?'...
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    Earrings are stupid and they look ugly

    I personally like piercings, because a) I get a rush from the burning pain of getting the actual piercing and b) it's a fun way to explore like subcultures, personal branding etc. Also, I think it's portrayed as a 'rite of passage' for young girls to get their ears pierced: I know it was a big...
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    High Heels

    They're debilitating! They angle your pelvis weirdly so you look young, fertile, and thus sexy (I read an article about it, totally), but they're about as practical as a chocolate frying pan. Regular wearing of high heels = regular visits to the chiropractor. And also sends out the message 'Hey...
  5. C

    Do women want it just as much?

    Lawl I'm pretty sure penises urinate and have reproductive function too... But yeah sure. I'm not saying the clit proves that all girls have the same level & pattern of sex drive as all boys (they obvs don't), but it does open up areas for discussion, on like male domination and that elusive...
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    CHINA syllabus dot points

    Some of the China requirements are a little ambiguous, to me anyway. For example, 'political, economic and social issues in the Chinese Republic in 1927' - what does that entail? Just like disunity and warlordism? Anything likely to be examinable? I don't really get it!
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    Do women want it just as much?

    You're my new hero.
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    Girls, what do you think of boys who cry?

    Boys have feelings too, or so I hear. So if they're horrible bad feelings that make you want to cry, nothing wrong with that! Last time I checked the penis and the tear duct system were totally not connected or threatening each other in any way.
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    Do women want it just as much?

    I'm chiming on this thread without reading about half of it, and assuming that chelsea girl meant 'rape' rather than 'sex' in that third sentence there. In which case, I agree with her. Rape is an act of violence that's totally about power rather than 'healthy' pleasure, and can be a very...
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    Re: tsfx mastering the exams lectures 2009 So the free lectures are shit, we've established. Anyone have any experience with 'The Essentials' paying lectures? Are they worth going to?
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    Studying in groups

    Find someone you're confident in front of with a similar proficiency in the subject , and quiz each other on syllabus things, but not strictly- Go off on any tangent within the subject you're studying. Ask each other questions etc. It's fun!
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    Art Theory @ UNSW

    Thanks etc, the units you mentioned sound interesting, but is there anyone who is actually doing the course? I'm considering BA/BA Art Theory and would love to hear some first hand reports/reccommendations.
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    General UTS chit-chat

    :O Writing and Cultural Studies is shit then? I was considerng that! Why so, pray tell?
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    Combined degree BA/BA Art theory?

    I see you posted this question years ago, and ended up doing communications at UTS anyway. I'm interested in the same area (arts writing/art history/media industry) and am currently tossing up whether to do BA/BA Art Theory and UNSW or Communications (Writing and Cultural Studies) +...
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    Conflicting Perspectives in Ted Hughes

    I wouldn't advise using Daddy, it's kinda cliche and obvious as her best known poem. Does link well with The Shot though I guess.
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    PIP survey on political beliefs/activity in teens

    If anyone aged 13-21 could spare two minutes to fill out my little PIP questionnaire I would be a very happy lady! <a href="Family First, what next? Here to take survey</a> Thanks guys.