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  1. H

    1 very quick question about english papers

    You know the creative writing part of the test, those examples of things they give us do we actually need to intergrate that into the story? Because everyone tells you to prepare your own story but all past papers say to use it for your story.
  2. H

    How does it work???Quick question

    Are we allowed to leave during hsc exams? Are there any conditions?
  3. H

    Quick question..

    If i am very average in almost everything and say my ranks are for example 7/9 15/20 ect is there any point in studying for the hsc or trying as the ranks i have setup through the year will hold me back even if i get 100% in all exams in the hsc? Im just wondering if i should even bother.
  4. H

    Construction techs

    What exactly did you guys put in this section? All i can think of are Joints Finishing Sanding For some reason i cant think of any others
  5. H

    How do they know

    Is there any way the cops can know if i am or not wearing contacts while driving because on my licence Specs or contacts is a condition and i was wondering if i forgot to put my contacts in how would the cops know ? Can anyone who has been checked help me out please?