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Search results

  1. breka

    relationships with other races: WHY NOT?

    i agree i dont see many other races in a relationship with indians, africans and arabs. come to think of it i dont think i have seen a mixed relationship with those races ever
  2. breka

    relationships with other races: WHY NOT?

    thats not very nice yuri! another weird thing i was pondering about is why is it that when you do see a asian with a white the white female is always good looking? above average? and i dont really understand what you guys are talking about, the racial stuff :confused:
  3. breka

    relationships with other races: WHY NOT?

    awww your a asian with a white girlfriend im guessing paradox.101? thats cute, hows the relationship going and all?
  4. breka

    relationships with other races: WHY NOT?

    I dont understand all this fuss about dating someone outside your race but i think i wouldnt know because im only 15 and i havent been in a mixed race relationship. it seems to be mostly regarding asians but im white and ive always had a thing for asian guys since i dont know when. I'm totally...
  5. breka

    White chicks and Asian Guys

    soooo many guys are jealous about edward cullen!!
  6. breka

    White chicks and Asian Guys

    why do you look so confused dux&src? i find asian boys attractive because of there exotic looks, they are genuine lovers (edward type lovers lol!! <33), there family-orientated style (i love a guy that loves his own family and enjoys a night at home) and there loyalty and oh they are smart as...
  7. breka

    Is it okay to recycle short stories?

    i find it time consuming to think up a plot on the spot and it would probably be a dodgy plot if i made up one on the spot
  8. breka

    How are you studying for the School Certificate?

    87 is good! its almost a band 6! i guess you have very high standards looking at your atar aim lol
  9. breka

    White chicks and Asian Guys

    omgosh i loved that movie!! a friend of mine showed it to me and if i didnt have a boyfriend right now i would be with a asian boy now :shy:
  10. breka

    Is it okay to recycle short stories?

    my brothers done it quite a few times and has got top marks but i guess that is just him
  11. breka

    Hair Extensions

    true beauty > fake beauty
  12. breka

    If a guy wears size 32 pants, do girls think thats fat?

    your joking right? my boyfriend could fit in a 32 and he is quite big
  13. breka

    How are you studying for the School Certificate?

    is anyone acutally going to go full out for the sc? besides the people dropping
  14. breka

    Who is ready for yr 11?

    simply put... no ... i know the work load changes massively!
  15. breka

    How are you studying for the School Certificate?

    i dont think i'll be needing much study, i heard over and over that the sc isnt that hard
  16. breka

    How exactly does the HSC work?

    that sounds a little odd, arent you doing your hsc now? shouldn't the teachers or whoever inform you about what your suppose to do in the hsc course...? so im guessing that this BOW is basically a collection of artworks you create.. and has a specific theme?
  17. breka

    How exactly does the HSC work?

    thanks a lot, it does help, and thank you xcelz, it does sound very complicated could you explain visual art please? i'm really into art and i'll probably be taking it up as an elective, what's this 'body of art' i keep hearing from year 12s?
  18. breka

    How exactly does the HSC work?

    hi guys, i'm in year 10 right now and i was wondering how the hsc works? i heard you come back as a year 12 student in term 4 and that all the work you do starting that term counts towards your atar straight away? what about all the assessments and exams in school? how does that work? ... i...