what uni did you apply for? check the website that says if you can accept and then later defer. i know some unis, like uws, offer a chance for you to go back if you've changed your mind.
i think OP is worried as in high school, making friends sort of came hand in hand with the learning. you were these people five days a week and you had known some of them since primary school. it's going to be a totally different environment.
i think at first you should try and get the hang of...
Re: FUCK :(
like someone said above, did you apply for EAS? i already got 10 bonus points from that alone and am silently thanking my atheist god. hopefully you applied! try not to get too down, i know its frustrating to hear that considering how big everyone makes the HSC, but its not your...
thought i did pretty good, a lot better than what i thought when i sat down and looked through it all. the personality section was so, so god. b) really went with leni. and the weimar question, oh my god, so glad i went over that as much as i did. first section was okay, would of liked another...
ooh, your story sounds really good. kinda sounds like an x-files/supernatural parallel thing. also, sooo jealous you got to do crime writing. i really wanted that ):
holy shit, 27 in total? you're a god. i filled up 3 booklets for each.
thought the creative writing section was really good for romanticism, the quote they gave us for pretty much perfect for what i wrote about. :3
this is just stupid though. why should society even HAVE to offer an alternative to same sex couples: they should just fall into the category of every other married people out there without some tag on them saying that they're married but not really married 'cause you know, they're kinda gay...
^ kind of agree. I'm so sick of remakes, and I've noticed a bunch of 70s horror movies (which are so so so amazing) are being redone. however I'm actually pretty excited for this, hopefully the spider man franchise can ~redeem~ itself. also andrew garfield being in it is a total plus. <3