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    What are your uni course preferences?

    1. Actuarial studies with eco (UNSW) 2. actuarial studies (UNSW) 3. Petroleum Engineering (UNSW) <--- doing this to get loaded (inb4 $80000 starting salary) 4. Bachelor of Law at macq
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    Full Examination Paper

    hey guys... i have the jacaranda book in pdf... below are the only two pages of information it has for photocells... i think if we explained pn junctions and stuff properly we should be able to get 4 marks. I could obviously be wrong...but im just hoping... page 1...
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    English Extension 1 All Nighter Thread

    no sleep for me i guess... anyways, good luck to everyone
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    English Extension 1 All Nighter Thread

    lol looks like the nap went on for longer
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    English Extension 1 All Nighter Thread

    dude fuck this english shit... i fucking started rejoicing with adv people after modules exam not realising that there is ext 1 to go FUCKKKKKKKKK...
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    English Extension 1 All Nighter Thread

    hey my essay is about 1600 words and story 1200... am i too short?
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    Raw Mark estimates?

    i looked at carrots sols... if they are correct then i got them all correct... 70/70 or 68/70 (worst case) test was fucking eaaasy... BTW Do i get state rank IF i indeed have got them all correct?
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    Carrotsticks' Extension 1 HSC 2013 Solutions

    WOWWWWW got them all correct ... paper was soooo easy but harder than last years..... do i get state rank or no IF i did get them all right?
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    algorithm design help :(

    hi guys, when writing algorithms... how do we know what to use when we are trying to access something in an array or a file. for example, for an array of records "SCORES" which has names and relevant scores for each name... if we want to access it in our algorithm do we say[i]...
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    any hope for decent atar after this catastrophe?

    Hi all, I fucked up sooooo hard at english... i reckon prolly got like 60% to 75%. Any hope for getting over 97? I have 4u math, 3u math, Software and physics to go
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    Module B question

    hi all, for mod B Kenneth Slessors poems... I thought transient meant something that lasts for a long time and answered my response that way including some synonyms for transience... am i screwed?
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    Anybody else forget to tick "Tick this box if you have used another writing booklet"?

    Re: Anybody else forget to tick "Tick this box if you have used another writing bookl What the fuck we had tick boxes?!?!!!!!!! Holyyy fuckkkkk
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    Is dialogue a film technique?

    Im doing Frank/Blade Runner... can i use dialogue as a film technique?
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    Did we have write the quote in our creative??

    i forgot to include it and i also forgot to make a note of which one i chose.... SHIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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    Did we have write the quote in our creative??

    It was the central element. But did we have to write it ?
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    Did we have write the quote in our creative??

    My creative fit in well with quote 3 however i didn't write it in the creative. Also, i made no mention of which quote i used. Am i screwed?
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    NEED HELP OPTION TOPIC interrelationship of hardware and software

    For IEEE 754 single precision floating-point representation, why do we have to add 127 to the exponent? Also, the book says that the largest possible number using this approach will have an exponent of 11111110 which is 254 (decimal) and then they SUBTRACT 127 from this... so yea how do we...
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    Need help with the 2012 HSC question for belonging

    Hi guys, just wondering how to relate the passage of time to my related text which is just a visual and it does not have any passage of time or anything related to changing one's perspective on belonging over time. My other two related texts also do not have anything related to passage of time...
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    Hi, i was wondering if you have any past physics papers. Preferrably neap with solutions. Or any...

    Hi, i was wondering if you have any past physics papers. Preferrably neap with solutions. Or any others with solutions. Please, it will help me greatly. my email Thanks in advance
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    Need help selecting university

    Hi, sorry if i am in the wrong section ...i am a year 12 student at sydney and would like to know which university is the best for doing actuarial science ...its out of australia national uni, macq uni, melb uni, unsw... And if its ANU.. Is the city enjoyable? As i will be living there alone ...