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    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    Well if it makes you guys feel any better I prepared for all the other sections as well.
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    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    Dw it was an educated guess, for example in Sparta we were told to do notes on Social Structure and Economy for a 15 mark response.
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    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    I'm curious what did everyone find so hard about the exam? I thought Caesar, Peloponnesian were really easy. Sparta was okay. Some things in Pompeii and Herculaneum confused me, like that retarded photo question in multiple choice. 79 sounds extremely managable to me. :D
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    General Thoughts: Ancient History

    My teachers are god dam psychics, everything they predicted of P&H, Peloponnesian war and Sparta was spot on. Apparently it's now their 9th year in a row where they have guessed right.
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    How many pages did you write?

    A - 8 B - 8 C - 8 I'm pretty sure I have around 1000 words per essay since I had to adjust for the question.
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    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    That exam was much easier than I could ever hope for, all those fear-mongers saying that we may need 2 related can go to hell. :)
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    HSC: The Most Overrated Test in History

    If you have asian parents and you get a shit atar (under 90) I assure you, they will end you.
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    2013 Trial business studies extended repsonse

    So I can assume my school is not the only school that did pretty well in multiple choice and short answers but crashed and burned in extended response + business report in the CSSA trial? (I'm in a top 30 school and I only know of one person who got above 20/40 for report + extended)
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    Cadetships 2013 thread

    For the people who have an offer from both KPMG and EY I highly recommend you go with ulterior motive I promise :P
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    Cadetships 2013 thread

    Going to EY tomorrow anyone have any idea how the day would be structured?
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    BAcc 2014 Intake

    Are there any good links for samples of behavioral, have to start practicing =)
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    Cadetships 2013 thread

    Received a call E&Y on the same day as my scheduled PwC phone interview, scared the crap out of me I though PwC was calling early....
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    PWC - Traineeship for 2014

    Am I the only person who didn't get called at the scheduled time and had to reschedule....
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    Gillard cuts $2.8b from unis

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    Free Tutoring; Advanced English.

    You sir are a legend for doing this, sign me UP!! :wavey:
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    His Ext Help

    I guess there is some connection between fourth crusade and the renaissance as it did deal a fatal blow the the Eastern Roman Empire directly causing its long and slow death with the ottomans taking over all of the balkans and anatolia by the 15th century, which resulted in greek scholars...
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    All-Asian Mall

    I live in Castle Hill and I'd say they desperately need any business they can get there, its been going downhill ever since they moved the bus stop. Also I noticed when ACA interviewed 'caucasian' people it was just old ladies who I don't think have the most balanced point of view...besides...
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    Roll Call: Class of 2013

    Hey guys :D Advanced English Mathematics (2U) Ancient History History Extension Legal Studies Business Studies AIM: 96+ Doubt I'll get it though unless I start putting in the hard yards
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    Use of laptops in exams

    I heard it from a tutor who offhandedly mentioned it =S when i asked him about it he said he heard it from a friend as well. It may just be a rumour among non-private kids who over estimate the privileges private kids get =P