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  1. H

    Who does scaling?

    So my 82 in IPT from last year may go higher when calculating my atar?
  2. H

    Who does scaling?

    Does you UAC perform scaling to your HSC marks or are your HSC marks already scaled? This may be a simple questions but I'm simply not sure.
  3. H

    Ipt single result

    and he claims to have superior intelligence
  4. H

    Ipt single result

    It's Not VET -.-
  5. H

    Ipt single result

    It's Not VET
  6. H

    Ipt single result

    I did IPT as an accelerated course meaning I did my HSC for it in year 11. My result came back as 82 . I'm just curious if this is a result to be proud of for the course or not. My assessment mark was 94 at the end of the course and I was ranked first however my new assessment mark was 86. Can...
  7. H

    What did everyone put

    I spoke about , parallel, pilot and direct
  8. H

    What did everyone put

    FUAARRRRKK, Don't remeber it mentioning combination. Was't combination for the method implementation question
  9. H

    Ipt aligning ?

    How well do IPT Align(Assuming I'm talking about the correct thing) as in If I get 94 assment mark and 70 exam plus I'm first. But I don't come first in the exam. What mark am I looking at for IPT?
  10. H

    Scaling ?

    Can you explain this to me. So lets say I'm coming first in IPT and my assessment mark is 94 and lets say in tomorrows exam I get something like 70. What mark am I looking at after scaling, aligning and anything else similar to that happens?
  11. H

    Scaling ?

    A friend of mine told that for instance if you get 60 as your raw exam mark in lets say IPT that it gets scaled to like 70-80. Is this true? Explain it to me like I'm 5.
  12. H

    How does scaling work?

    A friend of mine told that for instance if you get 60 as your raw exam mark in lets say IPT that it gets scaled to like 70-80. Is this true? Explain it to me like I'm 5.
  13. H

    Schema Quesiton

    When doing the 2013 past paper question 24 B ask to construct a schema, I did so however I had all my related tables in my customer table instead of invoice, so instead of having employee_ID,Order_ID and such in the invoice table I had it in the customer table, is this this correct. Sample answer
  14. H

    Coming 1st

    Thanks for clearing that up. Whats the put of having an original internal mark if it gets disregarded
  15. H

    Coming 1st

    What if I come first internally but not externally
  16. H

    IPT 2014 HSC Paper

    Identifies strategies that could be used to prevent loss and corruption of data when multiple players are transmitting simultaneously, and provides points for and/or against these strategies 4 • Describes strategies to prevent loss and corruption of data during transmission 3 • Outlines a...
  17. H

    Coming 1st

    Sort of still confused. What i got from your information is that lets say my examination mark is 80 and your assessment mark is 70. Cause you first your assessment mark becomes 80. Please explain. Super confused.
  18. H

    Coming 1st

    What do you mean? I'm trying to say that my exam mark will be the highest weather I get it or another student , ultiamly it will be given to be , thisa then coupled with my in school results is my HSC mark right?
  19. H

    Coming 1st

    So my mark for the test we're doing in about a week will be the highest mark within the cohort no matter how poorly I do
  20. H

    Coming 1st

    I am coming first in English at my school and was wondering how some things works. I've heard that if you come first in your grade based on coursework (In school tests and assignments) that if you screw up in the final HSC test that the person who comes first mark's will be automatically become...