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Search results

  1. MAAB1002

    preparation for year 11

    I am also going to Year 11 next year, what should I be doing to prepare. My subjects are: Math adv Eng adv Chemistry Physics Business studies PDHPE I am also moving to a fully selective high school next year, Is there anything I need to prepared for. what should I be doing to make sure that I...
  2. MAAB1002

    What HSC subjects do future doctors choose in Australia?

    Will I be at a disadvantage if I only do Adv Math as I cant do extension math anymore?
  3. MAAB1002

    Interviews for North Sydney Girls

    I did the Interview for Sydney Tech and I can confirm that they did not ask me any of these questions. I actually got in as well, they mainly asked me about what makes me suitable for a selective school and extra curricular and stuff. They might have asked different questions for different years...
  4. MAAB1002

    Thoughts on IPT

    How does it scale? I want to medicine so I've been told to do subjects that I will do good at scale well to at least some extent as I require quite a high atar. thanks
  5. MAAB1002

    Thoughts on IPT

    This is definitely late but does IPT have any coding, considering doing as I think it's probably not too hard.
  6. MAAB1002

    Year 11 Subject Selection

    I was considering doing Biology as well but I've been told three sciences is hard, and my school is ranked in the 150s so they are really against it as well. I was also going to do Economics but was told that it has too much content so I didn't want to do that anymore, the only other option I...
  7. MAAB1002

    Year 11 Subject Selection

    Hi, I have subject selection soon and I'm thinking of doing the following subjects and I also want to do medicine in Uni. Can you guys tell me if these subjects are too hard, or if u think I should do other subjects instead. Math ext 1 Eng Adv Chemistry Physics Business std SOR 2...
  8. MAAB1002

    Getting into selective high school 2021 year 11 entry

    Any general tips for interviews? I think I speak quite well if its just like the teacher and me, but any other tips like what type of answers I should give etc
  9. MAAB1002

    Getting into selective high school 2021 year 11 entry

    idk, I haven't received the letter yet so my dad called the school and they apparently told him that I should study, and call back if I still haven't received it yet. Kind of stressing out cuz one my friends did the exam for normanhurst and said u cant really prepare. But yeah I'm pretty sure...
  10. MAAB1002

    Getting into selective high school 2021 year 11 entry

    I'm doing the test for Sydney Tech, I already go to a partially selective school but the school is ranked low. Any tips for the test for Sydney Tech. thanks
  11. MAAB1002

    2022 HSC chat

    Good luck!!!
  12. MAAB1002

    2022 HSC chat

    time passes by quickly, I thought Year 10 was ages away back in Year 8. I just want to get the most information as I can before I move on to my senior studies.
  13. MAAB1002

    2022 HSC chat

    no, I'm doing it cuz my older friends said its easy
  14. MAAB1002

    2022 HSC chat

    my school does not offer SOR 1 so I have to do 2
  15. MAAB1002

    2022 HSC chat

    you'll be fine if you actually work hard on art I think, I'm not really sure though cuz I'm not an arts/music person
  16. MAAB1002

    2022 HSC chat

    thats good to hear, but I go to a school ranked between 150s-200s unfortunately
  17. MAAB1002

    2022 HSC chat

    I'm thinking of doing Eng Adv, 3U Math, Chem, Physic, Business studies, SOR 2 edit: if i drop business studies, can I get 99 atar in 2022