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  1. N

    medical centre work exp y10

    Fyi not every interview is MMI style. they don't offer u a place based on if uve worked in a hospital or not. most of the questions they ask arent even medical related. some scenario questions ask how ud respond to ur friend who just cheated on their exam, or "are you a leader or a follower."...
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    medical centre work exp y10

    what info?? what they ask in interviews? that's based on the 5 interviews I've been to in unis from 3 different states, including my friends' and cohort's experiences.
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    medical centre work exp y10

    yep! like i said, only once u get to the interview stage. even tho ur experience was in yr 10, which is 2 yrs before ur earliest interview, u can still argue that this is what started ur fondness for patient care as u grew up. u still got time before any interviews tho so relaxxx 😍 unis arent...
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    medical centre work exp y10

    u can only get an offer after excelling in your interview and other criteria such as ucat
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    medical centre work exp y10

    it doesnt make a difference till interviews, they choose from ur atar/gpa + ucat/gamsat + rural scheme if relevant. only uni i can think of that might take it into consideration is jcu for their written application but even then, i think that's just for dent. u can def mention it in ur...
  6. N

    no i went to ruse, hope this helps!

    no i went to ruse, hope this helps!
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    first sem is over...

    100% get u, and at the same time u just started. ur passions arent totally set in stone rn, i get why ur nervous abt the whole career path thing bc everyone's engraining in young ppl's minds that you should already have ur whole life planned out. as for the med thing (im in dent), im working w...
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    first sem is over...

    YEAH I KINDA WANNA DROP OUT ICL everyone arnd me is telling me to do med but idk how to feel after the announcement that RACS made the other day "we're cutting back on 20% of our yearly admission numbers" again??? as if it wasn't hard to get into anyways
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    what is ur favourite gym day

    anyone with his pfp is funny idc i don't make the rules
  10. N

    job interview

    what did i say wrong for my comment to be removed 💀🤡
  11. N

    happy mens mental health monthe

    i assume you're going to say that women are to blame for this.
  12. N

    Thoughts on iPads for school?

    its not a bad thing to have money??
  13. N

    nawww ily 🤧🤞

    nawww ily 🤧🤞
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    how does medical school work?

    nah there are a lot of med schools that accept higher ucat for a lower atar eg. jcu accepted 96 in 2023 and rejected some 99s (they don't need ucat) but they have a topical-focused med syllabus which isn't appealing for some, for the jmp (une and uon) program pretty sure its just a 94.3 hurdle...
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    don't u have vectors to work on or sum
  17. N

    Guys how do u even do this hsc question

    most of my intro would be acknowledging the role of diff stakeholders and focusing on themes of balancing the rights of victims, offenders and society. eg. you can look at strip searching cases (especially minors getting searched without parental consent at concerts) and how they seem (to...
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    My Goal For An Immortal Generation.

    idk abt u guys but id hate being immortal. look at how it turned out for edward cullen. preposterous.
  19. N

    gap year

    but the 96 and 99.95 were both non-rural 😭