Aye if this is true id love some source cos I might be giving out the wrong advice, can you elaborate why? As it was my understanding that this is a huge misinterpretation of how uni's work and while a high ATAR makes everything easier. Knowing a Medical lecturer at WSU for 17 odd years has made me understand the various pathways to get into med that people like to glaze over out of fear that the hard work they put in in year 12 wasn't as important as they thought. But also that lecturer is jit just my mum so she may be straight lying to me lmao.
What google says (may not be reliable but) :
Minimum competitive ATAR ~99.55. Graduate applicants are ranked for interviews by 50:50 weighting of GPA and ATAR. 95 is the minimum ATAR, not the minimum competitive ATAR.28 Nov 2024
This being said, If you do end up [OP] struggling to get into medicine, you might wanna re evaluate if its the right job for you, Med school isn't something that gets easier and unless you specialise the work and uni fees are not worth the salary.
with a 95, ur not competitive. rather you're an outlier, not saying that others haven't gotten in before with this score, but
this is not the norm.
ur mum is right in that a lot ppl think that performing well in yr 12 is the
only way of getting into med. but getting a 95 wont guarantee u many interview offers at all. unfortunately that's just the reality of med/dent. there's ppl with 97+ who didn't get any offers, despite performing well in ucat.
It might make it slightly easier but would not be worth it and is not recommended. I meant a Bach of science in Medical science, because you want to do med school. It also will teach you all the things that Med students struggle with so extra years but easier studying. Either way even if you have a solid ATAR i'd do med science and then swap over cos it'll let you become a normal functioning person instead of being the dead husks of souls that pure med school produces lmaoo.
again, psych doesn't make any transition or entry into med easy, and there's no such thing as "swapping over". doing med science for a lot of ppl is a trap, most of the cohort is gonna be sweats gunning for med just like u/OP.
there's some other threads on bos here regarding this exact sm topic, feel free to have a look!