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    Ottawa charter- mental health

    Thanks for your help
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    Ottawa charter- mental health

    Hey guys, I'm struggling to apply the Ottawa charter to mental health especially in the areas of Strengthening Community Action Developing Personal Skills Re-orienting Health Services any help would be greatly appreciated thanks :)
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    Hallo, Just wondering for those who are doing Frontline and have done your trials already... were there any instances in which they specified an episode you had to talk about? thanks
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    Hallo, Just wondering for those who are doing Harwood and have done your trials already... were there any instances in which they specified a poem you had to talk about? thanks
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    Word count leeway

    Hi guys, It seems we dont really know if quotes are counted or not but does anyone know if there is any leeway to the 6000 words? like a 10% leeway or anything heh...I need to do some major cutting if not thanks -Stace
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    Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

    hey dudes is anyone doing Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close written by Johnothan Safran Foer as a self selected text? anyone even read it? cyas
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    Agrippina the Elder and Agrippina the Younger

    Hey guys, I have an ancient assesment due soon (a 4-5 min speech) and in it i have to mention perspectives of two people who played a significant role in her life. one of the people i have chosen is Agrippina the elder, and since she died when Agrippina the younger was young all i can make is...
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    when was skull beneath the skin set?

    mind my not knowing :) but theres some confused discussions going on in my class thanks
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    Hi guys, pardon me not knowing but around what date is our eng ext 2 major work due? thanks
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    Yr 12 Privileges

    good....good...more recruits my work is done bring them all mwahahaha wow im a freak
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    Yr 12 Privileges

    hmmm we get what most other schools get like jerseys, come to school late or leave early, respect and all the other stuff but... you dudes are gonna love this at our school we get whats called a "platinum support program" which involves a "concierge" who helps us...with what im not quite sure...
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    Lemony Snicket?

    Hey guys! Is anyone doing Lemony Snickets a series of unfortunate events as a related text?
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    little red riding hood

    Hey guys, would anyone have any quick information on little red riding hood as an imaginative journey? any info at all would help thanx :)
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    Supp Texts - Imaginative

    Hey guys, would anyone have any quick ideas for little red riding hood as an imaginative journey? any help would be appreciated thanks :)