So I'm currently enrolled in Arts (Media and Communications) / Law at Usyd and I don't really like media that much so i want to transfer to Arts/Law through a mid year transfer.
Does anyone know whether I need a distinction average or anything like that? The cut-offs for these courses are the...
Re: Top 20 in Course List
One of my friends is Nicole Bancroft, she got it in general maths.
Can you just tell me what her rank was, then i'll leave you alone? :)
Yes but it also encourages a more litigious society and therefore backlogs in the court system.
I disagree. While the legislature may not always be in synch with what you phrase "the common man", they are still more likely than the judiciary to conform to community expectations because they...
Not really. Take Amendment II- The right of all people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Now exploited by powerful gun lobby groups like the NRA and there is absolutely nothing the govt can do about it. Even enshrining rights like freedom of speech can be problematic--because where...
But...I've debated this ad naseum, with those same arguments--to no avail. This issue will always polarise. The divide between the believers and the non-believers can not be reconciled. Its therefore futile arguing.