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  1. M

    How is the SC Results Marked and Bands Allocated.

    Oh ok no worries. Although the "alligning" does it change dramatically year by year or is it constant throughout every year? Curiosity.
  2. M

    How is the SC Results Marked and Bands Allocated.

    Epic on Topic Post is Epic.
  3. M

    How is the SC Results Marked and Bands Allocated.

    uh.... If u didn't turn up u would get a "Non-Serious Attempt" or a "Non-Attempt" which means a Automatic 0. For SITTING the exam you are expected to pass because of the leniency of the marking and alignment from what i have gathered. Don't talk without thinking, Stupid Reject.
  4. M

    How is the SC Results Marked and Bands Allocated.

    Cem, Thanks for replying first of all but all the examples u gave if u divided that "raw" mark by 2 and added 50 it resulted in the mark u said it MAY be alligned to :P.
  5. M

    How is the SC Results Marked and Bands Allocated.

    Oh i see although if the sticky isn't right i think it should be taken down seeing as its giving false information or maybe i just misread it. Thanks though, More replies and information is welcome.
  6. M

    How is the SC Results Marked and Bands Allocated.

    Then how are the marks scaled because in the trials ALOT of people i know got below 50% and these aren't the typical stupid shits that walk around it would be odd to see them get band 1's..
  7. M

    How is the SC Results Marked and Bands Allocated.

    Then whats all this dividing your "raw" mark by 2 and adding 50 to it? That cem was saying.
  8. M

    How is the SC Results Marked and Bands Allocated.

    Obviously ill try my best and get a satisfactory mark i was just wondering if that was true, and if it wasn't why is it stickied? Edit: "arent SC marks not in 1/2s, 1/4s etc.?", They aren't but if say you got 72.8 it would be logical to be pushed up to 73.
  9. M

    How is the SC Results Marked and Bands Allocated. Thats where i read the "raw" mark being divided by 2 and 50 added to it, although i have heard they changed it to 40 instead of 50. Is this true?
  10. M

    Who is ready for yr 11?

    Holy @%!&, you got some issues girl.
  11. M

    How is the SC Results Marked and Bands Allocated.

    Hi, Ive read on the sticky that they half your "raw" mark and add 50 to it although that post was posted on 2006 so marking or whatever may have changed and can anyone explain? Thanks.