Search results

  1. S

    Superannuation calculator

    Does anyone know an online superannuation calculator to check the answer for a question. The only supperannuation calculators i can find are too complex and take into account factors that are not needed for HSC questions. Thanks in advance
  2. S

    UAI estimate please :)

    edited and replaced school rank from 2 years ago with last years school rank 12/31: (rank combines 2 and 3 unit class) but i do 2 unit 2/28: biology 12/54: english standard 6/14: chemistry 3/8: SDD Thanks for your help :) What would it be if our school did as shocking as last year and got a...
  3. S

    3 unit math ranked against 2 unit?

    Hi i was just wonding whether in the actual HSC the 3 unit and 2 unit math marks of the students are ranked against one another for scaling and to therefore get your ATAR or whether they are left as seperate subjects. I am asking this because within our school our internal assesments for 2 and...
  4. S

    UAI estimate please

    Math (2 unit) 18/36 English (standard) 12/54 Biology 3/28 Chemistry 7/14 SDD 3/8 School rank: 107 Thank you for your help :)
  5. S

    UAI Question

    I am a bit confused. Does the marks from school assessments count towards our UAI or is it only the main HSC test that determines our UAI Thanks.
  6. S

    How hard is it to get above 75 in UAI

    I am in year 11 at the moment and was wondering if i work as hard as i possibly can next year am i basically garanteed above 75 in UAI even if i totally screw up in English? My subjects if it makes any difference are: English Advanced (but probably dropping to standard) Chemistery Biology...