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  1. L

    another 'should i do the subject?'

    thanks again letting all know, i am indeed doing the subject that seems to be a lot of fun and a reasonable amount of work have a few ideas in mind, but i will keep those for later :P anyway thanks
  2. L

    another 'should i do the subject?'

    thanks a lot for the replies. i am really pumped about doing the subject your insight helped especially the details given in the first reply. thanks :D
  3. L

    Awesome Female Characters in Literature

    'Barbs' from To Sir With Love, not the film but to novel she is in love with the teacher but still very gutsy and has real issues and you bond with her throughout the book
  4. L


    i am wanting to do bachelor of midwifery at monash in melbourne. i know what you mean about high marks /uai i wanted to be paediatrician yet i know that top 5% in the state isn't very likely so midwifery it is for me
  5. L

    Title help PLEASE!

    there is nothing wrong with using a certain phrase from the story for example i once wrote a story about an intruder and the title was 'the crimson smear' sounds sick etc but. also reas newspaper articles on the subject maybe grab ideas from what someone has said domestic violence to me...
  6. L

    another 'should i do the subject?'

    hey, i have read the other threads asking the same question and the response seems to be 'GO FOR IT!' wondering if anyone would like to inform me on how the subject is run. i go to a small-ish school and therefore not may students would take up the subject and only 8 people from my year are...