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  1. F

    Happy with your Compositions?

    that's wicked!!! dead set thats really really good, congrats... band 6 for that one...what program did u use to notate and record it?
  2. F

    Happy with your Compositions?

    was that just the practise submission? u didn't submit that did you? hahaha nah jkz that was wicked, very funky... and it covers the concepts really well too... well done!
  3. F

    Happy with your Compositions?

    yep, monday u reckon it's safe to post them just yet? or should you wait till they've been marked?
  4. F

    Happy with your Compositions?

    yeah i got sebalius, but all my stuff was saved at school... i know, i'm stupid for not saving it... i had to re-do what i've spent about 40 hours doing last week all over again...i finished at like 11.59... good luck to all for your compositions!!!
  5. F

    possible mis-adventure form?

    oi does anyone know if it's possible to apply for a mis-adventure slip or an extention from the BOS for about an hour or anything.. the computers at school are down and i was meant to go in today to fix up all the little things but i can't do that as they probably won't work til monday...
  6. F

    Happy with your Compositions?

    NO!!! guess what! i went to school today to finish off my two comps and the bloody computers are down, so i have to submit what i've got... murphy's bloody law... oi i thought sibelius had good sounds for recording.. what's wrong with sebelius? aren't the sound sources pre-recorded from real...
  7. F

    Cellists- help

    what do you mean by interval.. just the notes a cello can play? or do you mean when you pull the bow across two strings? there's no set notes on a cell cos thers not frets so i spose you could go up quater tones if your were good enough... in composing you can go semitones for cello...i don't...
  8. F

    music 1 comp time limits

    i used finale too, then imported in music master, then into sebalius.. each program has it pros and cons... cheers
  9. F

    Happy with your Compositions?

    k this may sound strange but i by accidently clicked on your name instead of the thread and saw your birthdays the same as mine! lol anyway good luck and i'll have a listen after hsc, thanks for that
  10. F

    Happy with your Compositions?

    really? oo i didnt know that... i'm so eager to hear what everyones done!! post em up after hsc's done
  11. F

    music 1 comp time limits

    bloody hell! your so much more organised than me... i started my compositions way back in january and i've still got shit loads to do for both...i planned on finishing both about a month ago... time flies when your having fun... i imported mine in sebalius at school so i can't really do much at...
  12. F

    Happy with your Compositions?

    hahaha wicked name for a comp.. i'm doing two as well.. there's only three people doing a compostition in my class... i'm doing one for I+I.R for piano solo which i love in most sections (except i had to cut a section out which killed me) but it sounds so much better when i play it on the...
  13. F

    music 1 comp time limits

    ahh! i've already sped it up... i was at about 5mins then i had to cut a section out, and it by bit i've cut little peices out and sped sections up... it's gunna sound so should be dead on 4mins after i've changed the first bar into an anacrusis... oi also what do rekon about...
  14. F

    music 1 comp time limits

    oi the limit is four minutes for music one right? can you go over slightly by a few seconds, coz my teacher is saying that i can't even go over like 3 seconds.... i;ve got my composition down to 4.02mins....