Search results

  1. O

    B Commerce cut-off

    They're asian?
  2. O

    Chances of getting into UNSW Law?

    Hmm it depends, how sad/pathetic is your EAS story?
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    Work Experience For Econ

    yeh they offer about 3 every year - good odds arent they?
  4. O


    pointless question...if you have to, then go for it they are easy. If its just your choice, then dont because your brain will overload and probably melt.
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    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    This one really made me laugh "How can anyone cling onto the words of an ordinary person?" i wont say your an idiot, i wont say your retarded and i sure as hell wont point out your pathetic reasonings. So I am right then.
  6. O

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    Muhammed killed people, got sick, and died. How can anyone cling on to the words of an ordinary person, who showed countless human faults? But then again, ancient arabs weren't a very bright people, so that explains it. PS: Sorry if this offends anyone....
  7. O

    Honours program

    thanks brotha
  8. O

    Honours program

    Hey has anyone done, are doing, or know someone thats done the Honours program for economics? I have looked at the School of Business site and they have some good info, but nothing in regard to the entry requirements(ie the wam required). Any extra info would be appreciated! Ozzi
  9. O

    The rejects

    I think it can be summed up like this: Uni is useless, and it's just an expensive day care centre for intelligent teenagers. What we learn means absolutely nothing, it gets forgotten in between semester breaks and holidays. The only thing need for getting a job are communication skills, and...
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    The rejects

    Neither, this was on the phone, on a saturday, while I was at work, so talk about putting you on the spot. "'Why do you want to work in growth solutions?": duh, do I work there? Do I even know the difference between that and business risk and advisory? Its only for 3 months as if I care what...
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    The rejects

    Ok, how would someone answer the following question: why do you want to work for Deloitte (specifically for growth solutions dept)? - which is the closest I got to getting an interview let alone a position.
  12. O

    The rejects

    How bout a thread for those who did not get any offers for vacation work ay? Even more so, how bout those who had a D avge, some work exp, and some extra curricular act, but didnt even get to one interview....Anyone else fit this description, or am I the only one?? Not that I am overly concerned...