Even though you're a girl, if you're goal is to get fitter and stronger then you should exercise in the same way as males.
Lat towers are useless imo because they use less musculature than a pull up/chin up and most non commercial ones are pretty low quality and wont last.
I had a look at it...
It's pretty good once you're decent at it.
You can 'zone in' and it becomes nothing but you and your mp3 player, extremely relaxing.
The shit part about it is when you have a 28" waist like I did and have to be eating insane amounts of food to sustain it.
Are you aware that there aren't enough words in the english language- hell, the entire lexicon of languages the world over- to describe how incredibly wrong this is. Not only is it wrong in that it is ignorant, but in that it is so incredibly incorrect on a factual level. Holy ****ing God, how...
1) Because fruit and veg are relatively expensive
2) Because the preparation of fruit and veg is time consuming
3) Because fruit and veg don't store well
4) Because my mother has an intense fear of crowds, therefore if I want food I have to get it myself and it comes out of my own pocket.
I run 5km once a week, I used to run 20-25km 4-5 times a week but the calorie requirements to do that were too much and I was about 5kg underweight.
I have no idea why anyone would wanna run more than 5km.
My ex took all the pills in her house and went to sleep.
Her parents heard her convulsing through the night and she was taken to hospital where they had her stomach pumped.
She then spent a month in a mental institution with the schitzophrenics. Technically she wasn't allowed to leave, but she...
I got D's for english 1020 and ancient 1040, missed out on a HD in english by 1 mark so I'm fair bummed.
Law marks haven't come back cause they're 20 unit courses, but I bet I sucked up the constitutions test and the criminal law multiple choice was nasty.
I guess they don't call me falcor for...
I want to throttle those people.
'I did law coz I wasnt sure what I wanted to do and mum said I should pick it coz I had the marks'
There's a girl in my course who's doing law because her parent's made her, she doesn't even want to be at our university...wtf?
The more of them there are the...