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  1. B

    Practical Examination Thoughts 07

    The exam committe arent allowed to make 1 question harder than the others. Its all relative and depends on what strengths you have/what you have studied. As for fairness, I think its fairer to have multiple questions too. Cheating should not be tolerated at the HSC and people shouldnt feel...
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    Practical Examination Thoughts 07

    The examination committe obviously felt that having 1 question only was not good/fair for candidates. There were several questions for each component, possibly 4 or 5.
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    composition & apreciation

    For generating movements I say improvise.. really think abotu what insomnia is and what it is that you want to convey... dance to music.. it helps if you can do this to the music you are currently using for your piece.. Falling Angels... as with any appreciation paper if you can back up your...
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    I went last night (Thursday). I felt the works were all very very similar in style. Some good compositions. But i felt last night was a dissapointing program
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    Safe Dance - Splits and stuff..

    There are a couple of issues here. Firstly composition is about the communication of an idea/message/intent and it needs to be a clear communication. Really have a think about how things like the splits and mounts convey a message.. other than "my dancer is flexible". Secondly the...
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    hsc viva question '06

    I believe it was organising the movement
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    anyone studying dance 2006?

    Currently "Revelations" is the seminal work being examined in the major appreciation stream for the HSC. So try HSC online... or even goole comes up with lots of stuff about Ailey and this particular work. My assumption is that if you watch it enough too you will get a great feel for it. It...
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    Info about HSC Dance course

    I dont want this to turn in to a 'he said, she said' battle. Im all for providing people with correct information. There is a scaling system but as UAC state in all of their reports regarding it "The scaling process takes marks provided by the Board of studies and estimates what the marks...
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    Info about HSC Dance course

    Ladies i hate to dispell the myth that is going around but Dance is not scaled down. Like all subjects it depends on how you personally do in relation to the rest of the state. So if you do really well then obviously you wont be scaled down... Its crazy thoughts. There really is no such thing...
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    Music suggustions for Core Comp and Major comp

    viva_la_emma - So if your music is supposed to be adding to your overall theme then explain how it dosent matter whether your music relates or not... Basically your music should be supporting your intent. If your intent is to show a discordance with the music then having something that does...
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    What sort of stimulus should I use...any suggestions

    There are 5 main types of stimulus and basically they revolve around the 5 senses. Some suggestions of stimuli can be a painting, scultpure, an item you touch (ie jelly), a piece of music that is dramatically unusal or different, pick a simple poem.... there are so many things... try and pick...
  12. B

    Sequencing in rooster and ochres

    Formal structures - both of the works have a clear and defined formal structure. Rooster being a collage which is cyclical and Ochres being a narrative. Repetition is about singular movements but also movement phrase. So in Rooster the final song (sorry forgotten the title at present) is...
  13. B

    what do u do if....

    Basically special provisions will probably not be awarded... the options are teaching another dancer and filling out the spec prov forms... or continuing on which could be even more detrimental to your marks. Also do you really want her to be dancing if she is that bad?? have some sense and...
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    Composition ahh!!!

    Whoever keeps saying that you get marked down for it is wrong. Dance is an academic subject but it is also 1 of the most rewarding. It is scaled like all other subjects and does really on the other candidates that particular year.
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    Major comp journals

    In terms of the journal, yes they are used for internal assessment, but they can be called upon if the markers have doubts about the originality of your composition. Your log books should help you clarify things out, as well as anyone marking them. So in terms of major comp, discuss things...
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    Stimulus/Intention for major comp

    You need to trust your teacher. If they have said its too common, than its too common. Yes all stimuli are open to their own interpretation but... you never ever know what someone else has done with the same stimuli. They may have the same idea and similar movements and have structured it...
  17. B

    Core Comp and Major Comp

    This varies from teacher to teacher. But it there is no rule that states that you cannot use the same music. I would say it is recommended that you use the same dancer from your core... you already have a rapport with them and they know your style of movement. As for movements - you can use...
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    Last year's prac exam

    Ok heres the low down.... Body shape - you study your individual body shape as everyone is different and this potentially allows different factors (eg greater flexibility, more strength etc). Your own body shape is not marked by the examiners. They look at your body shape and then what you...
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    Music suggustions for Core Comp and Major comp

    It can be difficult finding music. You need to really be picky and ensure that it relates to your intent.. rather than just picking it because you like it. All in all it really does depend on what you are looking for. Movie soundtracks can provide a wealth of music, but listen before you buy. If...
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    Major Study

    hmm.. unless she studied through an outside tutor or through distance ed.. that should not have happened..