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  1. kyu_chan

    ...A trojan...? --- PLEASE HELP!

    I was on... listening to music... and suddenly, there's a voice saying "Oooh, could it possibly be email for you?" And the like... I closed ALL programs and still, it spoke. Can somebody please tell me what's wrong and how to fix it? My friend tried to help me fix it, but he couldn't.. and...
  2. kyu_chan

    Comments on the questions asked

    Comments I'm pissed there isn't a question on lim (h->0) Sin3x/2x kinda thing... it was in every year >_< and f*ck! No finnancial questions (usually worth 3 or 4 marks) >___<
  3. kyu_chan

    Who thought the paper was easy?

    I don't. Quite the opposite actually Just want to know if ANYONE at all found it easy or at least ok...
  4. kyu_chan

    2005 question?

    Hey!! Do you think the question for King Lear would be a general type of question? i.e., would they give you some themes and ask you how the production demonstrates it? or would they ask a general thing like along the meanings of "how does each prodcution represent different vewipoints of...
  5. kyu_chan

    Please help - Stimulus-related question

    Hey. I'm doing Coleridge... and I'm just wondering, do we need to choose a piece of stimulus that related to the imaginative journey and connect it with Coleridge as well? For me, the texts in the stimulus booklet related more to inner and physical journeys, and I'm having trouble finding...
  6. kyu_chan

    Dark songs

    can you guys suggest some dark songs to me... Just any songs with a gloomy music. I like "Hurt" by Nine inch nails, "Stole" (Kelly whatshername)... and I can't remember which else I like ^^
  7. kyu_chan

    Ideologies for "Orlando" and "Dead White Males"

    Hi all. I have a question essay: "How do the composers of Dead white males and Orlando construct their texts to explore ideologies that attempt to make meaning of our modern world? I only have one ideology for each one, do you think it's enough? Please tell me what you think the...