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  1. OzzY

    Predict The Topic Of The Hsc Question!!!!!

    Dont we get sources anyhoo?? Just remember some stuff from WW1 i guess, and make some quotes up :cool: OzzY
  2. OzzY

    Doing Well? Someone else doing well? Brag Here!!

    Well all taht didnt help me! just more stressed..O WELL...its time to let it alll out on GTA San Andreas....wOOoo! I luurrrv not caring. :cool: OzzY
  3. OzzY

    CSSA Trials

    I still got another 4 to go!!! >:( I got Maths on monday, business on wednesday, I.T on thursday and modern history on friday....not happy jan. O well, i got dis whole weekend off to study for em, havent done much, and i dont think i will be :( ...lazyness always gets the better of me. OzzY
  4. OzzY

    Trials leaked

    Bring on.....the ANSWEERRSSS :)
  5. OzzY

    Related Texts

    Um, i could use some related texts for educating rita also. And if anyone could provide notes for Pleasantville that would be great aswell. Thanks. :)
  6. OzzY

    Past Paper - 2002

    Yes same here. Gday Shteve :D Would be great for if someone could help :confused: OzzY
  7. OzzY

    Mechanical/Automotive Engineer

    Thanks heaps guys. Really appreciate ur help. :uhhuh:
  8. OzzY

    Mechanical/Automotive Engineer

    The design? Is it more heavy machinery or more car motors etc, because i have been studying cars and engines since a young age. I hope someone can emphasise on the mechanical engineer course because i would really appreciate it. thankyou :D
  9. OzzY

    Mechanical/Automotive Engineer

    actually its all good, its all good and i realised that many people have done 2u to 4u maths.....feel so ashamed, i'am only doing general 2u :( God i was so looking forward to doing something with cars and engines as i love it and i no that i will enjoy it. Plus i havent done physics in my...
  10. OzzY

    Mechanical/Automotive Engineer

    Does anyone here do it or know anyone who does it? Im a yr12 student at the moment and want to know what its like and what you exactly do in it? And also what sort of UAI is needed?, and wat sorts of subjects? :) Thankyou very much for any help...really need it! :) :) :)
  11. OzzY

    Physical Journey Movie

    Im goin to write it as his name, Oscar God english screws wit my head sometimes...and i aint happy jan! :vcross:
  12. OzzY

    Physical Journey Movie

    Thanks alot for your help guys, i think i will use my brothers perspective and write it from his diary entry. Just thought i would be a bit different? Also how about the movie? has anyone watched it? just want to know if its any good?
  13. OzzY

    Physical Journey Movie

    Just wanted to know if 3000 miles to gracelands would be a suitable movie for the Physical Journey Assignment? And also i was wondering if i can use the Journey of myself, when i went overseas, it says on the sheet non-fiction texts? But have been hearing that i shouldnt use it? :confused...