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    No OTTAWA Charter Question...

    you had to relate it to the ottawa charter because the whole point of cancer being a NPA is so that the principles of the Ottawa charter can be applied to it to influence change!my PD teacher said the ottawa charter had to be mentioned to get full cant look at cancer without...
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    predict ur marks!

    in trials i got teacher is a way harsh marker so if i improve on that i will be really happy...but anything over 80% i will be elated!
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    Multiple Choice

    yeh the extended responses were great, and the nutrition question (bout lifestlye and sulture) overlapped with all my PD stuff, so i wrote soooo much...hehehe + we had done an assesment and abit a million class tests on steps to get raw into it was all good!
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    Multiple Choice

    I picked Food Manufacturing, the Raw material one...steps taken to develop a product...and for nutrition i chose the lifestlye and cultural one...
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    predict ur marks!

    the exam was ok- but waaaaay different compared to 2001 and 2002...thats why we are all a lil shocked...heres a quote for you 'worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair, something to do-but doesnt get you anywhere' so dont worry dudes!
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    Multiple Choice

    i was abit worried lol, cause i looked back at it and i was like 'i only have 1 'd' ' hahaha....i checked and re checked....hahaha
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    I Am The First One Done!

    nah, all the acts/legislation u have all mentioned are fine, as long as you used relevent examples to back up watever you said, you should be cool...i thought the questions were all really specific-but thats good in a way, because it ensures all the ppl who have worked hard get the marks they...
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    hehehe....just under 3 hours to go....then finished forever...holy moly i cant wait...i really cant get my head around antioxidents and all that yabba...meh...
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    food legislation isnt too bad, but its good to know at least 1 legistation for fed/state/local in detail, and how it affects on each sector of the foood industry...good luck for tomoz...
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    thanks sek....yeh i had maths and foodie on the same day as well for trials..well hsc food tech exam is tomorrow..arh i cant wait! whoohoooo what option did everyone do? Marketplace or Nutrition? i did nutrition
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    food tech advice

    foodtech is treated as a science, so it doesnt get marked down at all....anyone who thinks foodtech is easy obviously doesnt understand the point of it!
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    i thought this yrs PD exam was easier than past years...multiple was goooood, that first question bout consumers skills stunted me, but then i remembered so it was all option Sports Med and Improving Performance, i thought the questions asked were very previous papers they...
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    How much did you write?

    for Consumerism i wrote like 11 pages, Briar Rose i wrote 7 and for Image (The Truman Show) i wrote 8...i crapped on and on...but i write soooo 1 page in 5 mins....
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    QII - What pic you used

    you werent meant to incorperate the mobile phone into your answer..I spoke to my teacher, she says with each image they include, and each year..they always include something to try and make the exam more 'exciting' and 'interesting' for us, she says that the better responses will not include...
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    What is your oppinion of UTS?

    Nursing is at KuRiNgGai Nursing is studied at KuRingGai campus....practicals are done in the city...if you wany grass, and Nursing...u can get it at KuRiNgGai...its beautiful, friendly..and i hope i go there next year! may even see u in nursing!
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    gender differences hi there...gender issues can include sterotyping-e.g. men usually do the heavy lifting, while women usually pack biscuits into their packaages, other issues can be physically, men are physically stronger than women..depending on what the question is, just kinda bluff...
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    Hiya there boys and girls... firstly i just wanna say gooooooodluck to you all for next monday...i was wondering how many ppl in NSW do foodtech? does anyone know...also about the independant trial that anyone did, what were your marks? i got 96%, my teacher is a harsh marker as well, so i was...