Search results

  1. D

    Vacancies in 2008 science courses

    This year is the first time since 2006 (the UAC archive doesn't go any further) that there are vacancies in the BSc, BSc (Adv) and even the BSc (Adv Maths). The very fact that Adv Maths has vacancies is really surprising. That doesn't sound very encouraging at all, but it would make sense if...
  2. D

    Rate of change - ecosystem case study

    Would anyone be able to explain what this dot point entails? the nature and rate of change which affects ecosystem functioningI'm thinking it's referring to rate of change over a long period of time, and how it shaps all the processes within the ecosystem and how they interact, but I'm not too...
  3. D

    Difficulty of Exam Questions

    I figured I might start some new conversation in here as previous threads seem to be discussing crap Geo teachers and some Year 11 task that bears no significance (it means nothing, guys). We had our half yearly exam today. It consisted of a broadsheet we'd already seen (our teacher was unaware...
  4. D

    Senior Geo Project

    Just a quick query for Stage 1, which is pretty much the hypotheses and aims... All I can come up with for this part is one page. Is that normal? I've got down the broad area of interest, focus questions, aims and hypotheses. It feels unusual that this would only take one page and I'm not too...