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  1. M

    quick question

    what is the difference between corporate and non-corporate hardware & software??
  2. M


    i was just wondering, u know how theres core units of competency which everyone does, and then theres elective ones (we did 3 or 4 of the elective ones) - Well, for the HSC, can they ask about the elective units, or just the core ones? coz obviously not every1 will have done the same electives...
  3. M

    Uniform velocity

    hey, im doin revision q's on apps of calculus to physical world, which i totally suck at coz i hate physics crap. anyway theres a question that asks about uniform velocity - what is uniform velocity???
  4. M

    still waiting...

    has anyone else not received their BOS notification letter for the speaking exam??? i havnt... and its less than 2 weeks to go.... does it get posted to your house, or to your skool and then your teacher gives it to you???
  5. M

    Rankings & Assessments

    heya... while ive found the S.A.M pretty good for a rough indication, it can really only tell us half the story, because 50% of our marks will come from our school assessment rankings... therefore, i was just wondering, is there anyway you could somehow put in a Rankings submission as...
  6. M


    is anyone here doing the italian continuers course? ive only seen ppl doin the beginners or the extension course...
  7. M

    Ciao amici!

    come va? ho gia trovato questo foro, e sono molto contenta perchè mi piace parlare con altri studenti che studiano l'italiano, specialmente perchè gli esami di maturitê arrivano fra poco... allora, studio il corso Italian Continuers quest'anno, e lo mi piace molto. Sono andata in Italia due...